Re: Manually changing existing histograms
From: Martin Klier <>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 17:11:42 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hi Wolfgang,
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 17:11:42 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hi Wolfgang,
thanks a lot - it wasn't easy to guess the right searchwords. :)
First thing I got:
Can you give the list a link to your examples? Just collecting ideas at the moment, wasn't able to reproduce my case so far, with and without the FH. schrieb:
> I don't know about modifying an existing FB histogram. Just create the
> entire histogram from scratch, its is documented and there are examples
> on the net ( e.g. my own website ) on how to do it. Just use the number
> for the two values from the existing histogram and then add the 0 and
> the frequency you want to assign to it.
> Email me directly if you need specific help.
-- Usn's IT Blog for Linux, Oracle, Asterisk -- on Wed May 15 2013 - 17:11:42 CEST