Re: parallel degree question
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 21:29:54 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 9:06 PM, David Fitzjarrell <>wrote:
> It looks like you're using Auto DOP and Parallel Statement Queuing; have
> you run an I/O calibration?
Yes, the calibration is done
> If the streams 'doesn 't always run' is it being put in the parallel
> statement queue? Query V$SQL_MONITOR for a status of QUEUED to see which
> statements are still in the queue and look at the sql_exec_id to see where
> they are in that queue.
The problem isn't that it is queued, looks more like dependencies not
satisfied for the next part to run in the streams (could be dependencies
between the streams).
For one stream I have 7.5 hour elapsed time, but DB time is 5 hour
> If that doesn't help possibly a bit more information on these streams
> might be in order.
> each stream consist of couple of hundreds sql, when I have all 3 streams
running sql I get full utilization of the CPU's, each sql in 24 parallel
processes. But sometimes some of the streams doesn't run a sql and I end up
with one single sql at only a DOP of 24 leaving spare CPUs
-- on Thu May 30 2013 - 21:29:54 CEST