Re: error from opatch installing Apr 2013 PSU
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 14:44:53 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On 30/05/2013 14:39, Andrew Kerber wrote:
> Actually I think the owner of the unzipped patch should be the
> database instance owner. At least that is what is it always has been
> in the past.
If I understand correctly, you're installing the latest PSU on GI + DB environment in auto mode - opatch auto ... as root.
The readme document - Oracle Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update (Includes Database PSU - 16083653 - states the following:
2.1.4 Download and Unzip the Patch
To apply the patch, it must be accessible from all nodes in the Oracle cluster. Download the patch and unzip it to a shared location, this is called the <UNZIPPED_PATCH_LOCATION>. This directory must be empty and not be /tmp. Additionally, the directory should have read permission for the ORA_INSTALL group.
Check that the directory is empty.
$ ls
Unzip the patch as grid home owner.
$ unzip p16083653_112030_<platform>.zip
Anyway, I suppose that read permission for the ORA_INSTALL group could
be sufficient.
Sorry for the noise, if the above doesn't match your case.
-- on Thu May 30 2013 - 14:44:53 CEST