RE: Partly OT - Database Programming textbook
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 15:30:49 -0700
Message-ID: <BLU165-W5813ACD11FE46D57F55C15EBB30_at_phx.gbl>
With Stephane's permission, a substantial excerpt from his upcoming book SQL Success has been featured in the spring issue of the NoCOUG Journal. The link to download the Journal is
Journal editor
> Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 14:16:13 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Partly OT - Database Programming textbook
> Some list members may be adjunct or full-time faculty members and
> interested by the fact that I'm currently working on a 450-page textbook
> on Database Programming (title "SQL Success", subtitle "Database
> Programming Proficiency") that I will publish under the name of my
> company in a few months - the target is the "Database
> Fundamentals/Database Programming" undergraduate and continuous
> education courses (besides Oracle I cover SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL,
> DB2 - and SQLite). I'm short on theory and long on correctness and
> efficiency; my idea of a successful database instruction isn't being
> able to parrot the definition of 23 normal forms and requiring a
> procedure and five cursors to perform 20 times slower what can be done
> in a single query. --
Received on Wed May 01 2013 - 00:30:49 CEST