- Thursday, 1 May
- Friday, 2 May
- Saturday, 3 May
- Sunday, 4 May
- Monday, 5 May
- Tuesday, 6 May
- Wednesday, 7 May
- Thursday, 8 May
- Re: Bind variables and function based index Á¶µ¿¿í
- Re: another failed attempt at database independence Gints Plivna
- Re: SQL Performance Analyzer like software for 9iR2 rjamya
- RE: Bind variables and function based index Milen Kulev
- RE: Bind variables and function based index Milen Kulev
- RE: [Q] any problem Intel "core 2 duo" cpu with old version of ORACLE client? Roberts, David \(GSD - UK\)
- Re: RedHat Question Roman Podshivalov
- RE: another failed attempt at database independence Goulet, Dick
- Re: Execution time in SHARED SERVER vs. DEDICATED SERVER (RAC 10gR2) Martin Klier
- shared pool Wolfson Larry - lwolfs
- Detecting xxx fragmentation/corruption? Peter Teoh
- Re: Execution time in SHARED SERVER vs. DEDICATED SERVER (RAC 10gR2) Niall Litchfield
- local naming vs directory naming Li Li
- Re: another failed attempt at database independence Robyn
- Re: Optimizer wonk sought Mary Elizabeth McNeely
- Re: local naming vs directory naming Dan Norris
- Re: local naming vs directory naming Kevin Lidh
- Re: local naming vs directory naming Rich Jesse
- Question re asm disks William Wagman
- Re: Question re asm disks Bradd Piontek
- Re: Re: another failed attempt at database independence Jared Still
- Re: RedHat Question Jared Still
- Re: Re: another failed attempt at database independence Robert Freeman
- ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [25027], [3], [0], [], [], [], [], [] Fuad Habash
- Re: Detecting xxx fragmentation/corruption? Finn Jorgensen
- RE: Detecting xxx fragmentation/corruption? Mark W. Farnham
- RE: Question re asm disks William Wagman
- Re: Bind variables and function based index Kumar Madduri
- Re: Detecting xxx fragmentation/corruption? Dennis Williams
- Re: Converting WE8ISO8859P1 TO UTF8 Mark Brinsmead
- RE: local naming vs directory naming krish.hariharan_at_quasardb.com
- Friday, 9 May
- Saturday, 10 May
- Sunday, 11 May
- Monday, 12 May
- Tuesday, 13 May
- Re: insufficient privileges when creating a trigger Toon Koppelaars
- Re: insufficient privileges when creating a trigger Stefan Knecht
- Re: High db file sequential reads during imp? cam
- Re: Time outs which may not be SQL Yechiel Adar
- stop Grid Control Agent before running DBUA Jeffrey Beckstrom
- RE: stop Grid Control Agent before running DBUA M Rafiq
- RE: stop Grid Control Agent before running DBUA M Rafiq
- replication question Jeremy Schneider
- RE: replication question John Hallas
- Re: replication question Rajeev Prabhakar
- RE: replication question Goulet, Dick
- RE: general opinions of the new features in Oracle 11 Goulet, Dick
- help with a monthly rollup Rick Ricky
- Re: help with a monthly rollup TESTAJ3_at_nationwide.com
- Auto shutdown of Oracle for Windows reboot Allen, Brandon
- Oracle Streams / RAC and sharing archive logs Fedock, John \(KAM.RIC\)
- RE: help with a monthly rollup Stephens, Chris
- RE: help with a monthly rollup Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR)
- Oracle on Win2K8 Hypervisor Allen, Brandon
- Re: help with a monthly rollup Roman Podshivalov
- RE: What are the default values cited in "DBA_PROFILES" Powell, Mark D
- Re: Oracle Streams / RAC and sharing archive logs Roman Podshivalov
- RE: What are the default values cited in "DBA_PROFILES" Powell, Mark D
- RE: help with a monthly rollup Baumgartel, Paul
- Re: replication question Dennis Williams
- Re: general opinions of the new features in Oracle 11 Howard Latham
- Critical Update Patch Naming Jared Still
- »Ø¸´£º Re: what does the op:11.4 mean =3F?= li yuefu
- Backup products for RAC environments Binh Pham
- filesystemio_options setting John Smith
- Re: another failed attempt at database independence Don Seiler
- Wednesday, 14 May
- Re: Auto shutdown of Oracle for Windows reboot Yechiel Adar
- Re: Backup products for RAC environments rjamya
- RE: filesystemio_options setting Herring Dave - dherri
- Performance of MERGE INTO statement Hostetter, Jay M
- Installation discoverer10g in R12RUP4 Sameul Ma
- Re: Performance of MERGE INTO statement David Aldridge
- Re: filesystemio_options setting Roman Podshivalov
- Re: Performance of MERGE INTO statement Finn Jorgensen
- RE: filesystemio_options setting Herring Dave - dherri
- how to check "license high water mark" without shutdown database? dba1 mcc
- Average read-time for each tablespace Peter Teoh
- how do you handle your DDL builds? Rick Ricky
- RE: help with a monthly rollup Mark W. Farnham
- RE: how to check "license high water mark" without shutdown database? Roberts, David (GSD - UK)
- Re: how to check "license high water mark" without shutdown database? TESTAJ3_at_nationwide.com
- RE: how do you handle your DDL builds? Brady, Mark
- RE: how do you handle your DDL builds? Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR)
- Re: how to check "license high water mark" without shutdown database? Hemant K Chitale
- RE: Performance of MERGE INTO statement Hostetter, Jay M
- RE: Performance of MERGE INTO statement Ken Naim
- conventions modelling summary data in a datawarehouse Rick Ricky
- RE: Auto shutdown of Oracle for Windows reboot Allen, Brandon
- Re: Auto shutdown of Oracle for Windows reboot Yong Huang
- RE: help with a monthly rollup Brady, Mark
- Not as straightforward as it would appear: [exec] [java] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Mark Strickland
- RE: Auto shutdown of Oracle for Windows reboot Allen, Brandon
- Fwd: Average read-time for each tablespace Peter Teoh
- Re: Not as straightforward as it would appear: [exec] [java] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Roman Podshivalov
- RE: Performance of MERGE INTO statement oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.org
- ORA-00600 & ORA-07445 with William Wagman
- Re: help with a monthly rollup Jared Still
- RE: ORA-00600 & ORA-07445 with William Wagman
- RE: Not as straightforward as it would appear: [exec] [java] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Oliver Jost
- anyone know how to do a join where the data can be different Rick Ricky
- RE: filesystemio_options setting Josh Collier
- RE: anyone know how to do a join where the data can be different Bobak, Mark
- grant select command so slow Joan Hsieh
- RE: anyone know how to do a join where the data can be different Jackie Brock
- Re: grant select command so slow TESTAJ3_at_nationwide.com
- columns of a unique index Oxnard Montalvo
- MAXTHR and SLAVETHR in sys.aux_stats$ David Aldridge
- Re: anyone know how to do a join where the data can be different David Aldridge
- default length for DATE datatype Joe Smith
- Re: Performance of MERGE INTO statement Finn Jorgensen
- Re: filesystemio_options setting Finn Jorgensen
- Re: ORA-00600 & ORA-07445 with Finn Jorgensen
- Re: columns of a unique index Finn Jorgensen
- Help with SQL query maheswara.rao_at_ubs.com
- Re: filesystemio_options setting Roman Podshivalov
- RE: ORA-00600 & ORA-07445 with William Wagman
- RE: columns of a unique index Powell, Mark D
- recover standby database failure Michael Mitchell
- Re: default length for DATE datatype Dennis Williams
- RE: Auto shutdown of Oracle for Windows reboot Yong Huang
- Re: recover standby database failure Finn Jorgensen
- RE: recover standby database failure krish.hariharan_at_quasardb.com
- RE: Auto shutdown of Oracle for Windows reboot Allen, Brandon
- Re: recover standby database failure Paul Drake
- Sr Oracle DBA position in a leading Bank in Bayarea Prasad
- Re: recover standby database failure Jack van Zanen
- Thursday, 15 May
- Re: MAXTHR and SLAVETHR in sys.aux_stats$ Jonathan Lewis
- Re: MAXTHR and SLAVETHR in sys.aux_stats$ David Aldridge
- RE: default length for DATE datatype Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR)
- RE: default length for DATE datatype Joe Smith
- RE: default length for DATE datatype Brady, Mark
- Deep Copy a Record Dixit, Sandeep
- Re: oracle-l Digest V5 #130 David Mann
- Re: MAXTHR and SLAVETHR in sys.aux_stats$ Amit Verma
- Re: recover standby database failure Hemant K Chitale
- Error during oracle install Khan, Muhammad S
- RE: Error during oracle install Blanchard William
- Re: grant select command so slow Hemant K Chitale
- RE: recover standby database failure Mark W. Farnham
- RE: Error during oracle install Mark W. Farnham
- RE: Deep Copy a Record Bobak, Mark
- Can't login SqlPlus Shanmugam, Dhandapani
- RE: Error during oracle install Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR)
- RE: Can't login SqlPlus Seema Ahuja
- calculate the amount of redo generated by a session genegurevich_at_discover.com
- Re: Can't login SqlPlus Mir M. Mirhashimali
- Re: Can't login SqlPlus Bradd Piontek
- Re: calculate the amount of redo generated by a session Paul Drake
- RE: Can't login SqlPlus Sweetser, Joe
- RE: Auto shutdown of Oracle for Windows reboot Yong Huang
- RE: Can't login SqlPlus Koivu, Lisa
- Re: DDL Builds Jared Still
- ASM # of Files Koivu, Lisa
- concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces Rick Ricky
- RE: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces Bobak, Mark
- Re: grant select command so slow Finn Jorgensen
- Re: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces Niall Litchfield
- RE: Can't login SqlPlus Shanmugam, Dhandapani
- Re: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces David Aldridge
- Re: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces David Sharples
- Re: grant select command so slow John Kanagaraj
- reasons to separate indexes and data in different tablespaces Rick Ricky
- RE: ASM # of Files krish.hariharan_at_quasardb.com
- Causes for "Enq: TM - contention" on a table with conventional path insert? David Aldridge
- Re: Causes for "Enq: TM - contention" on a table with conventional path insert? Riyaj Shamsudeen
- Re: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces David Aldridge
- RE: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablespaces William Wagman
- Re: reasons to separate indexes and data in different tablespaces Bill Ferguson
- Re: Causes for "Enq: TM - contention" on a table with conventional path insert? David Aldridge
- Re: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces Riyaj Shamsudeen
- RE: Auto shutdown of Oracle for Windows reboot Allen, Brandon
- RE: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces Powell, Mark D
- RE: recover standby database failure Carel-Jan Engel
- Re: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces Riyaj Shamsudeen
- Re: Causes for "Enq: TM - contention" on a table with conventional path insert? Riyaj Shamsudeen
- Reading a file# that doesn't exist Henry Poras
- Re: Reading a file# that doesn't exist Tim Gorman
- Re: Reading a file# that doesn't exist Bradd Piontek
- RE: Reading a file# that doesn't exist Allen, Brandon
- Re: reasons to separate indexes and data in different tablespaces Nilo Segura
- Re: Reading a file# that doesn't exist Tim Gorman
- AW: ASM # of Files Torsten Rosenwald
- Re: reasons to separate indexes and data in different tablespaces Andrew Kerber
- Re: Reading a file# that doesn't exist Á¶µ¿¿í
- tpc.org benchmark statspack or any very high transaction system (>4000 tps) statspack report? Zhu,Chao
- Re: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces Mark Brinsmead
- Re: Causes for "Enq: TM - contention" on a table with conventional path insert? Mark Brinsmead
- ORACLE_SID for Data Guard 11g Sinardy Xing
- Re: Causes for "Enq: TM - contention" on a table with conventional path insert? David Aldridge
- Re: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces Andrew Kerber
- Re: concepts document part about separating indexes and tablspaces Dan Norris
- Friday, 16 May
- Saturday, 17 May
- Sunday, 18 May
- Monday, 19 May
- Tuesday, 20 May
- Wednesday, 21 May
- Thursday, 22 May
- Friday, 23 May
- Saturday, 24 May
- Sunday, 25 May
- Monday, 26 May
- Tuesday, 27 May
- Wednesday, 28 May
- Re: Patching RAC Yechiel Adar
- Re: Patching RAC jason arneil
- Applying CPU to RAC with physical standby S. Anthony Sequeira
- Re: Applying CPU to RAC with physical standby Carel-Jan Engel
- direct read is much faster than scattered read, is it reasonable? qihua wu
- Re: Applying CPU to RAC with physical standby S. Anthony Sequeira
- RE: OEM custom plugin and how to undeploy it Mark W. Farnham
- Re: Now that's how stuff is supposed to work Niall Litchfield
- Re: Applying CPU to RAC with physical standby jason arneil
- Re: Applying CPU to RAC with physical standby Carel-Jan Engel
- Re: Applying CPU to RAC with physical standby S. Anthony Sequeira
- Re: Applying CPU to RAC with physical standby S. Anthony Sequeira
- Re: direct read is much faster than scattered read, is it reasonable? zhuchao_at_gmail.com
- Re: "Oracle FailSafe Manager" is missing after install RAAZ
- Re: direct read is much faster than scattered read, is it reasonable? DEEDSD_at_nationwide.com
- partitioned table maintenance Joe Smith
- RE: partitioned table maintenance Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR)
- RE: partitioned table maintenance Igor Neyman
- RE: Applying CPU to RAC with physical standby William Wagman
- Overhead of table with empty partitions John Thompson
- RE: Applying CPU to RAC with physical standby S. Anthony Sequeira
- Re: Overhead of table with empty partitions TESTAJ3_at_nationwide.com
- Re: direct read is much faster than scattered read, is it reasonable? Keith Moore
- RE: Applying CPU to RAC with physical standby William Wagman
- Re: direct read is much faster than scattered read, is it reasonable? Alexander Fatkulin
- Re: direct read is much faster than scattered read, is it reasonable? Zhu,Chao
- Re: Overhead of table with empty partitions Jonathan Lewis
- Re: direct read is much faster than scattered read, is it reasonable? Alexander Fatkulin
- Re: Overhead of table with empty partitions John Thompson
- Re: Overhead of table with empty partitions David Aldridge
- RE: direct read is much faster than scattered read, is it reasonable? Tanel Poder
- autospace advisor job and this oracle table: WRI$_ADV_OBJSPACE_TREND_DATA` Rick Ricky
- Re: autospace advisor job and this oracle table: WRI$_ADV_OBJSPACE_TREND_DATA` Robert Freeman
- Thursday, 29 May
- Friday, 30 May
- Saturday, 31 May
- Last message date: Sat May 31 2008 - 22:27:47 CDT
- Archived on: Sat May 31 2008 - 23:30:05 CDT