Re: Documentation for HHWM and LHWM?

From: K Gopalakrishnan <>
Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 09:49:55 -0700
Message-ID: <>


I remember we had discussed this issue in the past ( in the early 2003) and you could search the oracle-l archives / I also remember this topic discussed in John's Oracle 10g Insider Solutions book. Check the following URLs for some start.


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 7:43 AM, Charles Schultz <> wrote:
> Broswing through various blogs, whitepapers and other presentations, I have
> seen folks like Tom Kyte and Lutz Hartman reference the HHWM and LHWM of
> ASSM tables, however I have been unable to find where they are officially
> documented. Perhaps this is a limitation of tahiti and metalink (metalink
> gave me one hit for bug 6416822). I have looked through the Concepts, New
> Features and DBA books in the documentation set, learning a lot in the
> process, and still have a lot to go back over. *grin* Additionally, I
> appreciate that dbms_space gives us access to detailed information about
> used blocks, but I find it a little odd that the HWM is not specifically
> included, much less HHWM and LHWM. Forgive me if I missed it, but did Oracle
> ever document these ASSM high water marks?
> Thanks to all of you who have worked hard to expose various internal tidbits
> and publish helpful hints.
> --
> Charles Schultz

Best Regards,
K Gopalakrishnan
Co-Author: Oracle Wait Interface, Oracle Press 2004

Author: Oracle Database 10g RAC Handbook, Oracle Press 2006
Received on Tue May 06 2008 - 11:49:55 CDT

Original text of this message