Re: OEM custom plugin and how to undeploy it
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 10:30:34 +0200
Message-id: <>
Ghassan Salem wrote:
> I had the same problem with a plugin I developed. I thought first that
> the scripts are on the file system, I could not find them, so I
> searched the DB. I had to fix the remove the undeploy row from the OEM
> repository to be able to undeploy it. Then drop the things I created
> (and the inserts made
> ) by the deploy script manually to be able to retry the deploy again.
> It's not easy. but once you master the sql needed, it becomes "automatic".
> rgds
Finally I have found it - I already seen it many times, but because type
is BLOB and not CLOB or and text type, I regularly ignore it ;-)
It is SYSMAN.MGMT_MP_FILES in general and column FILE_CONTENTS for
script text particularly.
I suppose after improving script codes, plugin again will become manageable.
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