Re: [Q] any problem Intel "core 2 duo" cpu with old version of ORACLE client?

From: dba1 mcc <>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 14:27:35 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Database on server is 9ir2 ( I don't think database version is problem. We have more than 40 PC with Pentumn 4 have old version ORACLE client in it and NO problem.

Andrew Kerber <> wrote: What version of the Oracle database are you accessing?

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 3:45 PM, dba1 mcc <> wrote:  We has a new PC with Intel "core 2 duo" CPU and Windows XP SP2 in it. This PC has very old version of ORACLE client 8.06 and ORACLE developer 6.1 (Forms, reports) in it.

When we run "sqlplus" (version 8.0.6), we get MS Windows pop up error. I look detail messages and look like it stop on "kernel32.dll".  

Does anyone have similar problem "core 2 duo" and old version ORACLE client?

Does this error come from "core 2 duo"?


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-- Received on Wed May 07 2008 - 16:27:35 CDT

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