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Oracle-L: by subject
- 2nd Req URGENT help- needed (deletes)
- [Q] SQL statement that Rule base run faster than cost base!!
- A Complaint About Tuning Books and Presentations
- Backup Solutions - Veritas, Legato etc
- Copy command
- Counting Weekdays
- Crusader for the RAW
- DBMS job interval question
- DBMS job interval question -- SOLVED well, sort of
- dbname change -dblinks
- dbname change -dblinks (SOLVED)
- Exp/Imp problem.
- Free Space per tablespace....
- FreeOCP
- Function Calling In View
- Granting users access to another user's objects
- group by week
- How to convert from long to varchar - SOLVED
- How to convert from long to varchar?
- IIOP configuration
- Insert /*+append */ takes more time than insert
- Interesting performace experienced. Have no idea. HELP !
- is shutdown immediate adequate for consistent cold backup?
- java stored procs -off topic
- LEGALITY of purchasing Exam Materials USED
- NetApp (was utl_file_dir)
- NEW : OFF TOPIC : Oraperl for WIN2000
- non-rollback-able DML
- OAS and Applications
- Off Topic -Happy Ramadhan
- Oracle 8.1.6 and compatible parameter
- Oracle DBA Needed in New York City..
- Oracle Financials DBAs Needed in Houston..
- Oracle Transparent Gateway for Ingres
- Password internal
- Personal Lab for study purposes...
- PL/SQL and Java
- Privileges problem: Solved.
- Problem Importing
- Problem with the Mailing list
- Raw Vs. File systems, your opinion?
- Recreating Scripts - Something to worry about ???
- Redo Copy Latch
- REVIEWED: group by week
- RMAN questions : Urgent
- Secure Shell copy
- Security Access- Fine Grain Access Control.
- shutdown immediate
- SQL tuning tool
- standby_archive_dest in standby DB
- Suggestion!!!
- Technical problem ( Have you heard it before ?)
- Test
- TNS-12203: TNS:unable to connect to destination
- urgent : multi master Replication problem
- URGENT help- needed (deletes)
- Urgent...
- Urgent: Problem installing Oracle 817 on solaris8
- Waiting for smon to disable tx recovery
- Last message date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 18:42:17 CST
- Archived on: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 00:26:59 CDT