- add an active database into three directional streams
- Anybody know what happened to Databee?
- Anyone know any WP which explains about FTS vs Index Scan?
- Aw: Oracle 12c Case insensitive searches
- AW: portfs and port_send_event
- AWR Repository add via command line, emcli, or API?
- Backup to AWS Using RMAN
- Big Complex MV creation and Refresh
- buffer cache structure in SGA
- Can you connect to a vip on a down RAC node with service name?
- Crazy dynamic sampling?
- EBS: alternative to port pools
- EXT :Oddity with upgrades on Windows
- Firing my blog back up....
- GoldenGate 12c book recommendations?
- Got ASM + RAC 12c class/books?
- How to trace memory resize ops
- Inmemory table on Exadata and indexes
- Interesting Issue related to sql result
- Invisible indexes and table expansion
- IO Freeze ON RHEL 6.6 and hence high log file sync
- Killing and releasing Inactive session
- Microsoft April Security Patch
- MV Job change in dba_jobs
- No OJVM patch?
- Oddity with upgrades on Windows
- OEM Cloud Control 13c strange Time Range for Top Activity
- Off topic: Anyone at PGCONF 2018 in NJ?
- Oracle 12c Case insensitive searches
- oracle binaries and datafiles
- Oracle Cloud Control for Enterprise Monitoring
- Oracle running under Amazon Web services : database connections timing out
- Oracle to SQL server
- OT: IOUG Collaborate
- OT: Job post, Upwork is looking for DB Eng
- Performance comparison of Oracle Vs Aurora MySQL
- PL\SQL Brain Flatulence - Unexpected End of SQL Command
- Plan change depending on parallel degree setting
- portfs and port_send_event
- Question I can't find an answer to...
- RTO Challenges
- same repeated in statspack
- Semi-OT: We have approval to add 2 new DBAs
- Strange deadlock problem across DB Link
- system change number on a physical standby database
- Tape backup
- Trying to find the latest PSU
- Tuning Advice
- Unix shell on Windows
- userhost of unified_audit_trail shown as cryptic string
- utl_recomp grants
- What does SQLDeveloper change?
- Why does the optimizer have problem with OR clause?
- Last message date: Mon Apr 30 2018 - 23:20:45 CEST
- Archived on: Mon Apr 30 2018 - 23:48:02 CEST