RE: Anybody know what happened to Databee?
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 14:32:52 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Virtualization is a wonderful thing and we use it here.
Unfortunately, it cannot solve every situation, such as the one I have here.
I've discovered that Informatica and CA both have Test Data management suites that include data subsetting tools. Anybody have any experience with them? Any opinions on either one?
From: Tim Gorman []
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 7:32 PM
To: Matt Adams; ''
Subject: Re: Anybody know what happened to Databee?
Despite the engineering that went into them, it is likely that data subsetting tools have outlived their usefulness.
When data subsetting was useful, more than 10 years ago, storage constraints on non-production databases offered a huge use-case. There was a need to create smaller databases for development (DEV), systems integration testing (SIT), or users acceptance testing (UAT), because IT could not afford the storage or time to create numerous full-size copies of the production database.
With data virtualization from Oracle, Red Gate, Rubrik, Actifio, and Delphix available for several years now, and more offerings from other vendors on the way, these storage constraints need not exist any longer.
The simple truth is that data subsetting removes realism and realistic data for test cases, resulting in inadequate testing conditions, and the subsequent release of buggy software. Software should be tested under realistic conditions if possible, most importantly with full volumes of realistic data for test cases.
Depending on your use-case, perhaps consider investigating data virtualization instead of data subsetting?
Disclosure: I work for Delphix.
On 4/10/18 12:28, Matt Adams wrote:
DataBee was a data subsetting tool for Oracle or SqlServer that would extract referentially intact subsets and load them into other databases.
It was created by Net2000 Ltd, the same people who created one of my favorite free tools, DDL Wizard.
Apparently, Net2000 was purchased by Redgate last September, and a phone call with a Redgate sales creature has informed me that DataBee is not being sold or supported anymore. Anybody know why Redgate shelved it?
Does anyone know if another equally good subsetting tool is still available anywhere? I know oracle has a Data Masking and Subsetting pack for OEM, but it's list price is about $11,000 per cpu. DataBee was $16K (for one seat, which is all we need) with annual maintenance of about $3k, much more reasonable.
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-- on Wed Apr 11 2018 - 16:32:52 CEST