Tape backup
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 19:50:34 -0500
Message-ID: <CAHSa0M1NDRJxE_vc9Zsut9W7BRBdYKHJPkQB7iTDD6+3uPO4Xg_at_mail.gmail.com>
We are testing setting up of db backups to tape using netbackup on Linux. We want to set up a regular rolling 4 day backup schedule where the backups would automatically qualify for deletions after 4 days. We also want the ability to retain certain backups from past (within the past 3 days) or certain future backups to be retained indefinitely, if needed. The latter type backups will be deleted via rman when not needed. Indefinitely in practice can be 6 to 7 months.
We want to be able control this from rman than netbackup policy. Is the only way to achieve it is a setting of forever in veritas policy? With this we would delete the redundant backups using rman, while retaining the 'special' backups. Different ideas?
Received on Wed Apr 11 2018 - 02:50:34 CEST