Oracle running under Amazon Web services : database connections timing out
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2018 08:21:57 +0000
Message-ID: <EEC3316514CFB24AB2285394E0D405587D10ABE8_at_BOU.sefasuk.local>
A client has moved their applications and database to run in a AWS environment. The application is now stopping(after an hour) due to database connections being closed.
It had no such problems in the previous non-cloud environment where it has run for years.
Their AWS guys have suggested "the application should look to ensure a keepalive is used for the JDBC connections"
Any idea how we would do that?
Database is Oracle 11
Anyone else seen this problem in an AWS environment?
John Dunn
Senior Solutions Engineer
Sefas Innovation Limited.
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-- on Mon Apr 16 2018 - 10:21:57 CEST