Re: Anyone know any WP which explains about FTS vs Index Scan?
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 21:39:06 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Full Table Scan, or "the scan of the beast" is devil's invention. Whoever allows it in the applications will be condemned to the eternal damnation and administration of Oracle database on MS Windows. Anathema FTS!
Joking aside, there is a purpose to both. Have you considered reading any book by Tom Kyte? Reading Tom Kyte's books is not illegal, is not immoral and doesn't make you fat. It is also fairly likely to extend your understanding of Oracle RDBMS in particular and also of general design principles. Just type "Tom Kyte" in the Amazon search field and select "Books". Amazon is a horrible company which uses USPS as a delivery service. I would buy those books while Amazon still exists.
On 04/10/2018 12:13 PM, Ls Cheng wrote:
> Hi
> I have a Dinosaur stating we must always use index range scan no
> matter OLTP or DWH systems. This guys still lives in the late 90's and
> Oracle 7 (although he claims he is 18 years veteran expert from 7 up
> to 12c), the thing is I cannot find any Oracle WP or similar in the
> docs which states Full Table Scan is not evil except Tom Kyte
> (asktom). I have even demo-ed him with a very simple two table join
> example with FTS and index range effect when a large amount of data
> need to be accessed, still he says in Oracle docs states that
> scattered reads (FTS) mist be reduced!
> Does anyone know any official pointer, in WP form or MOS support note
> which talks about FTS vs index scans?
> Cheers
-- Mladen Gogala Database Consultant Tel: (347) 321-1217 -- on Thu Apr 12 2018 - 03:39:06 CEST