RE: Interesting Issue related to sql result
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2018 06:59:09 +0000
Message-ID: <27167_1522997960_5AC71AC8_27167_8271_1_ECDEF0CC6716EC4596FCBC871F48292AB1991CCA_at_ZRH-S231>
Also, there are plenty of wrong result bugs in 12.1 related to parallel execution. Fortunately, some of them are fixed in 12.2.
Therefore, it’d be interesting to see whether you get the correct result with the parallel execution disabled: /*+ opt_param('parallel_execution_enabled','false') */
Also, it’s worth checking whether the problem still exists in 12.2.
Best regards,
From: [] On Behalf Of Sayan Malakshinov
Sent: Donnerstag, 5. April 2018 21:43
To: Eriovaldo Andrietta
Subject: Re: Interesting Issue related to sql result
Hi Eriovaldo,
You need to trace both queries with event 10053 and compare these traces. Usually such behavior is related to bugs during query transformation, so the easiest way is to analyze "final query after transformations" section and disable wrong transformation. Or you can just add the hint no_query_transformarion and check if it returns right data.
чт, 5 апр. 2018 г., 22:26 Eriovaldo Andrietta <<>>: HI,
Does anyone knows what happens in this cenary :
I have a query like this.
SELECT /*+ parallel (area_control,6)
When I run it as is above it returns to me the line :
5679907 218692
Any experience with cenary like this ?
parallel (lot_f,6)
FROM op_serving_area_f area_control,
lot_f lot_f,
op_serving_area area_c,
WHERE sdo_relate(lot_f.geometry,
AND SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT(area_control.geometry, 0.001) = 'TRUE'
AND area_control.op_serving_area_id =<>
AND area_c.area_type = 2
AND<> = lot_f.lot_id
AND lot.addr_blocked_cfg_id =<>(+)
AND op_serving_area_wcenter.op_serving_area_id =<>
and lot_f.lot_id = 218692
If I change it in order to return all lines, changing only it :
-- and lot_f.lot_id = 218692
The line does not return in the result.
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-- on Fri Apr 06 2018 - 08:59:09 CEST