EBS: alternative to port pools
From: Tim Gorman <tim.evdbt_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 04:52:16 -0600
Message-ID: <0df2d0f5-761c-19c9-5d2d-f2bd08177ab1_at_gmail.com>
This is a question about E-Business Suites, so it might be off-topic for many, but I wanted to check here anyway...
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 04:52:16 -0600
Message-ID: <0df2d0f5-761c-19c9-5d2d-f2bd08177ab1_at_gmail.com>
This is a question about E-Business Suites, so it might be off-topic for many, but I wanted to check here anyway...
I have a customer cloning EBS who is apparently not using port pools during the cloning process. As background, since EBS uses dozens of network ports when deployed, "port pools" are offsets from the default port numbers that each cloned instance can use. For example, the default TNS Listener port is 1521, so employing port pool "15" means that the TNS listener will use port 1536, and all other EBS ports will be offset similarly.
Is there another (documented) method for assigning ports, perhaps by editing a configuration file and then re-running "autocfg.pl" perhaps? Or that strictly verboten?
Received on Thu Apr 19 2018 - 12:52:16 CEST