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Oracle-L: by subject
- 64-to-32-bit "upgrade" (was "8.1.6 to 8.1.7 upgrade")
- 8.1.6 to 8.1.7 upgrade
- [Q] does Personal ORACLE 8.1.7 support Win98?
- Backup script giving error when run by cron
- Certification
- Command History in SQL*PLUS
- connecting to sqlplus within a shell script
- Connectivity problems through IIS server.
- dbassist ???
- delay in sqlplus login
- Error conecting by svrmgrl
- Further question: Oracle 32bit / 64bit
- How to compile objects of type TYPE
- how to get back value stored through get_hash_value function..
- How to search all tables for a particular field?
- How to select data from a LONG datatype
- How to send html using UTL_SMTP
- immediate shutdown messages- when nothing being shutdown
- local connection using pro-cobol
- Locally managed tablespaces
- No Subject
- ora 1115
- ora-1031 when connect internal or / as sysdba locally
- Oracle Applications 11i Help Files
- Oracle Apps customization help working with consultants
- Oracle db missing
- Oracle DBA Needed in Lake County, IL..
- Oracle internet directory example.
- Oracle listener security patch -
- Oracle Training - CBT/Online
- ORACLE-L Digest -- Volume 2001, Number 200
- Perl Script for Alert Log
- procedure error
- Quest s/w
- Quest Software Product Query
- Questions about Oracle World Wide Support
- retrieving XML from a url using oracle xml parser for plsql
- Scripts for tuning in 8.1.6
- Snapshot shows as INVALID in DBA_OBJECTs
- Solaris 8 Question
- some thing strange with user_tables vs real table
- strange datafile name..
- Unable to access DB from Apps server
- Urgent Select statement SOS
- Last message date: Thu Jul 19 2001 - 23:48:41 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 15:13:21 CST