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Oracle-L: by subject
- 8.1.6 on NT Books
- background info (logic & value of Ultimate Sacred Postulates)
- Cloning a database/Instance
- Conversion of a varchar2 to a number
- cursor
- Database Trigger
- Datafile "missing"
- DB Access restriction
- Entity Relationship Diagrams)
- exp/imp with files over 2GB when compressed
- exporting and importing public synonyms
- HELP - Partitioned option not enabled
- HOLOS by Seagate ... opinions?
- How can get the Machine IP's which is connected to a particul
- Importing large tables on linux 8.1.7
- Instance will not automatically started when NT server is reb
- IOT Vs Normal Tables
- Killing "Killed" Users
- left outer to two tables ...???
- LGWR's Writing Habits
- Life as a DBA
- Linux, autoinstall tailored Oracle client
- longraw in a trigger HOWTO ?
- Longs and snapshots
- Looking for some beta-testers
- max role exceeded
- Need script that monitors for archive directory filling up
- NT - How to remotely start/stop oracle listener service?
- NT4+oracle8.0.5: OCIW32.dll can't be deleted?
- OEM How to get to Data Management import - PLEASE!
- Off topic - Command line zipping utility
- Oracle DBA/Developer Needed in Tampa..
- Oracle8i new features for admin
- OT: it ain't over till the gravitationally challenged female humanoid generates harmonically pleasing air wave vibrations
- OT: Urgent: ORA-12154 Error
- Partitions each in a separate tablespace ?
- Perl DBI
- Problems with backup
- Relicate Oracle to SQL Server and vice versa.
- Relocate Tablespace
- Script displaying in a matrix format , how many logs are create p
- slightly better OT??? / (Fwd) Lockean theory of property rights & open source culture
- slightly off-topic: postgresql vs oracle sta
- slightly off-topic: postgresql vs oracle standard edition
- Sr. Level Oracle DBA Needed in Dallas..
- stupid SQL question
- SYS password is not known (Oracle for NT)
- sysdate display SQL 3.4 vs 8.0.5
- Tivoli
- TNS error12500
- Transparent Gateways
- Unix Shell/PERL Scripting examples/exercises
- urgent -Svrmgrl
- Urgent: ORA-12154 Error
- X$Tables Info :
- Last message date: Wed Dec 13 2000 - 14:11:13 CST
- Archived on: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 00:26:59 CDT