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c.d.o.server: by subject
- ?? X$KSVII fixed table not found (Jonathan - this is one of yours)
- ?partition views?
- Adding fields with default on tables with invalid triggers
- Advice on OCP Exams
- Archiving Oracle with tar
- Backing up Oracle, using Legato
- Basic Index Question - Why 5%?
- Can I find out what SQL a trascation try to exec ?
- Can IDS controle who allows to import or export?
- Can't create a new repository for OEM
- Cannot connect Oracle 7.3.4 database using JDBC/ODBC bridge
- case ansi 92
- Check database consistency
- Closing oracle server when users are connected to database.
- common import warning question
- connection to WebDB site from a LAN client
- copy procedures from one database to another
- CPU % Util spikes during single insert
- Create Trigger with delete
- Data Extraction/Migration Tool
- dbms_rls and 815E on NT
- Display of system date in oracle.
- estimating table size
- Exchange Practice TESTS for OCP?
- Faster imports
- free PL/SQL debugger from Oracle/Technet ?
- Help constructing SQL
- Help!! Temporary table in Oracle?
- Help!!! LOV based on another field in WebDB.
- how do I hint(parallel) 2 or more tables in a select statement
- How do I sort on final digit of a number?
- how secure is wrapping?
- How to check Net8 set up file?
- How to Find a row easily. Newbie Question
- how to get started on local language support
- how to work with standby database
- how to work with standby database---CAREFULLY!
- How to write a SELECT to do ...
- IMP80 hanging on table with BLOBs
- Importing Data From Flat Files
- Ingres copytable
- internal error messages
- multi-user database design
- OAS 408 PL/SQL file upload/download
- OCI - How do I retrieve result columns from a 'SELECT * FROM MYTABLE' statement
- oemagent on linux
- ORA 01555
- ora-01031: svrmgrl connecting as INTERNAL
- ORA-01502 index in unusable state
- ORA-12154 : TNS: could not reslove service name
- Oracle 7.3.2 /NT Seagate Backup Exec
- Oracle 8.0.4 for NT - installer doesn't work
- Oracle 8i HPUX shared library linking
- Oracle 8i personal edition...or not?
- oracle on Linux
- Oracle on Linux - your opinions
- Oracle vs. Netware NSS
- Oracle734 32/64bit
- Performance Diff Between JDBC/ODBC vs. just JDBC
- Query uses index in SQLPlus but not in PLSQL
- Restore Strategy
- services
- SQL+
- sqlplus hangs
- Starting Oracle Server without Intervention
- Summary: Importing US7ASCII DB
- Synonyms and table partitions
- SYS password
- sysdate & date columns
- Table defragmentation/resizing question: Is this dangerous ?
- Tool to move structure AND data from Access to Oracle?
- Trigger Script Generation
- Trying to use "where in" to select from a list
- Unusable Index problem
- Upgrading from Oracle 8.0.5 to Oracle 8i(8.1.5)
- Utlbstats
- What book to buy?
- What is difference between processes and sessions?
- What is the difference between Oracle 8i Server and Enterprise Edition
- Wrapping up PL\SQL packages
- Last message date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 13:39:48 CST
- Archived on: Sun Jan 09 2005 - 04:01:48 CST