- Adding column and updating a huge partitioned table.
- Amazon As DR Site?
- append hint and ORA-04030
- automatically add grant to user
- Bug#19461270 is fixed!
- Call for Oracle Licensing reform
- Chained Rows - Inter Block Chaining
- Create second physical standby
- Cross Platform Database Migration Using TTS from Cooked Filesystem to ASM (OMF - I Hope)
- CRS activeversion/releaseversion/softwareversion
- CVU reporting error when checking for ASM storage
- Data Masking - auto generate scripts
- Datafile HWM without querying dba_extents
- Don't know wallet password, can't open wallet
- EM access to developers
- Exadata + OMCS
- expdp
- Find Oracle Forms client IP without EM GUI
- ftp'ing
- granting execute on stored procedure
- hash join waits on cpu 100% time
- Hiding data model
- history question: when did Oracle start offering downloadable binaries?
- How accurate is ALL_INDEXES.NUM_ROWS for the PK index?
- how can I move from sql profiles to stored outlines?
- How can I tell how much memory a database is using?
- How do you think about Oracle's EC2/S3?
- How ensure patches have not been altered
- In what circumstances might optimizer not choose the lowest cost?
- Index choice
- Large Dataset - Estimated 87TB needed for TEMP - suggestions?
- Licensing
- Memory operations on Sun/Oracle M class servers vs T class servers
- MTTR and Optimal Logfile Size
- Need URGENT help in addressing the query performance degradation after upgrading the database to Oarcle 11gR2
- Non-CDB officially deprecated ...
- ODA 12.1.2 Databases on ACFS
- ORA-01722: invalid number
- Oracle on Red Hat 7
- Oracle 12c DB Upgrade Survey
- Oracle 12c DB Upgrade Survey [resend]
- Oracle Design For Performance Question
- Oracle java thread mapping
- Oracle Learning Streams
- Oracle11g - TAF, FAN,FCF ?
- OT looking for abstracts for GLOC 2015
- OT: NoCOUG Journal article: How to avoid a salted banana! (SQL tuning)
- Partitionining perfortmance degraded drastically after upgrading the database from Oracle 102.0.4 to Oracle
- PGA Deallocation
- PL/SQL Comment Parser
- procedure with 80 parameters or use table type
- Query giving different results using server sqlplus and client sqlplus
- Query not in code, but has vaguely known WHERE condition
- Questions about ORA-600
- quick (hopefully) emcli question
- Raw device or Block device?
- Result caching
- Retreiving multiple data sets
- skipping tables on export
- SQL Patch
- SQL problem
- Upgrade from VCS to 12c GI (RAC)
- where clause filter from an array or use temp table?
- ZFS not supported on Linux x86-64
- Last message date: Sat Jan 31 2015 - 23:32:55 CET
- Archived on: Sat Jan 31 2015 - 23:45:02 CET