Adding column and updating a huge partitioned table.

From: Michael Cunningham <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 18:46:15 -0800
Message-ID: <>

It sounds crazy to me, but I thought I'd give it a try.

I have a table that is over 1.2 TB with 64 hash partitions.

If you have a great method for this I'd love to hear it. Oracle enterprise on Linux 6.5 with SSD storage.

I need to add a column and populate the column with data from a function. It's a data warehouse so I can prevent DML during this time (one partition at a time), but cannot prevent during DML during the update of all 64 partitions at once.

I also need an index on this new column.

I sure would appreciate all the input I can get on this topic because I feel like I'm missing something and there must be a better way of doing this.

During a test it took be 6 hours to update the data in a single partition in a test environment. That comes out to around 700 hours for all 64 partitions. Please help.


Michael Cunningham

-- Received on Thu Jan 08 2015 - 03:46:15 CET

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