Re: Need URGENT help in addressing the query performance degradation after upgrading the database to Oarcle 11gR2

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 22:57:33 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Did you, by any chance, make any other changes during this migration? Like changing memory settings, for example.

This sounds remarkably similar to a question asked recently in another forum, where the Original Poster had (eventually) admitted to reducing SGA_MAX_SIZE from 6GB to 1GB. Something like that probably would explain the problems you are seeing -- if the database is so starved for memory that it cannot effectively cache the data dictionary, it would explain the drastic increase in compile time.

AWR reports -- particularly Top-5-Waits -- for pre- and post-upgrade would indeed be very helpful. Even better, show us the complete "first page" of each report.

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Mandal, Ashoke <> wrote:

> Hi Jithin, I gathered the dictionary after the upgrade to 11g.
> Thanks,
> Ashoke
> *From:* Jithin Sarath []
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 15, 2015 9:04 PM
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Mandal, Ashoke;
> *Subject:* RE: Need URGENT help in addressing the query performance
> degradation after upgrading the database to Oarcle 11gR2
> I agree with Iggy's comments, awr / statspack or even the free & awesome
> ashv will be of much help.
> I'm curious, did you gather dictionary stats post upgrade?
> Regards, Jithin Sarath
> On Jan 15, 2015 9:48 PM, "Iggy Fernandez" <>
> wrote:
> OK; I'll bite. But first let me say why I believe that things go so wrong
> with migration projects. These are from my experience; they may not apply
> in your case.
> · Not anticipating that performance could change for the worse
> · Not performing regression and volume testing using automated
> test suites; not performing parallel runs
> · Changing other things in conjunction with the workload: e.g.
> hardware, storage, network, application
> · Not using Oracle features for plan stability such as stored
> outlines and optimizer_features_enable
> · Not having pre and post AWR or Statspack data
> · Not having pre and post RDA collections for comparison
> · Not having pre and post execution plans
> · Confusing EXPLAIN PLAN with actual plans obtained using
> · Does not migrate statistics and the statistics collection
> strategy
> · Does not know which initialization parameters have changed and
> which have new defaults
> Now coming to your problem. Here are the hurdles:
> · Very limited information e.g. no "top wait events" from AWR or
> Statspack
> · Assuming that the problem is plan changes (it could very well
> be) and asking us to discuss that angle only
> BTW, the query plans that you compared look essentially the same to me.
> However, these are "EXPLAIN PLAN" (dbms_xplan.display) not real plans
> (dbms_xplan.display_cursor or dbms_xplan.display_AWR).
> re: "multiple SQL queries are running 20 times slower after the
> upgrade. even generating explain plan of one of these queries takes 5 sec
> in the 11g version whereas the same explain plan generation takes only few
> (probably 50) milliseconds in 10g version of the database"
> Could we start with the heading of a sample pre and post AWR or Statspack
> reports i.e. everything upto the top-5 wait events section.
> I hope this helps.
> Iggy
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Received on Fri Jan 16 2015 - 04:57:33 CET

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