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Oracle-L: by subject
- Cache OCI Calls to Improve Performance of 32-Bit or 64-Bit Oracle Clients
- Can't FTP a 12G file to Windows
- Configure SDU and TDU parameters to improve Performance
- DDL auditing - *Extremely* detailed
- Easy way to copy databases when using RMAN?
- Excellent Tip to avoid recursive work
- Excessive fetching
- Help interpreting 10046 trace file anomaly
- How much Max oracle memory (SGA)can be allocated on SUN SOLARIS if RAM =1.5gb
- htmldb install problems
- merge command
- merge command solved
- monitor column usage or index usage?
- More spfile goodness
- MS Security bulleting MS04-011 and Oracle 8i
- Reason for upgrading from 8.1.7 to 9iR2
- Recommendation of Books on Reports and Forms for Oracle 10G and 9i
- Recursive Function
- sequences and order by
- SQL question
- temp table location
- Transaction_audit FALSE
- truncate a table with many extents
- wait events and ref cursors
- Wrong results from SQL in 8174
- xml question
- Last message date: Thu May 06 2004 - 22:51:58 CDT
- Archived on: Thu Aug 24 2006 - 03:30:03 CDT