It's just not worth a materialized view for 3 tables with a combined
row count of less than 100 rows... too much setup. Once I figured out
what caused the 3113 and fixed the problem, it works incredibly well
with the merge.
- Richard Stevenson <> wrote:
> Rachel,
> I second the matviews option. We've used them extensively to
> populate sub-sets of a production meta data repository to a data
> warehouse and partner database. Along with package-wrapped
> auto-updates (via dbms_jobs/dbms_snapshot/refresh), they work like a
> charm. This, BTW, is in 8.1.7. Also, if the source db goes down,
> the job resubs itself - or of course you can handle it
> programmatically to alert.
> Richard.
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Received on Thu May 06 2004 - 20:20:56 CDT