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Oracle-L: by subject
- 1 way of getting creation time of tablespaces
- B&R solutions
- Cursor Sharing .... Continued
- Cursor Sharing| Soft Parsing
- efficient way to duplicate db on another unix host?
- Error Install 9i Rel.2 on Windows 2000
- Errors trying to connect from 8.1.7 client to 7.3.2 server
- Guys: Is this worth $1,749 for 8 year Oracle veteran DBA
- Help on Temp Space
- Is it correct way of adding two tables without having self-jo
- Is it correct way of adding two tables without having self-join condition in Oracle HRMS
- Migrating DB with Discoverer
- OLTP Design - SQL Server
- Open --> Parse -->Execute --> Fetch Rows --> Close
- oracle 9i
- runInstaller Error ....
- SMP on windows2000
- sql query on substract
- sql query on subtract
- SQLLDR question
- SQLLDR question SOLVED
- Stored Procedures/Functions
- Substraction SQL query
- System Administrator Appreciation Day
- type of join in sql
- Using GFS for 9i RAC
- When is the next patch set for coming out?
- When is the next patchset for coming out?
- When was a tablespace created?
- Last message date: Fri Jul 26 2002 - 19:48:33 CDT
- Archived on: Thu Jun 01 2006 - 20:30:06 CDT