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Oracle-L: by subject
- 1259157 & 1275224
- patch for hp-ux 64 bit
- 9iAS Forms on Solaris (or Unix)
- Alternatives to roles in procedures?
- as a reminder
- AW: test schema from prod
- BLOB field in group by
- Certification Exams in spanish
- Copy Oracle's binary.
- database disaster recovery
- DB Names in multiple oracle installs
- dba_waiters.lock_type = "Disk Space Transaction" - significan
- How to subtract 1 from current month
- how to zip email?
- Instance Failure - "CKPT: terminating instance due to error 27062
- Is Virus protection software safe on an NT / Oracle server?
- Lock Manager in Enterprise Manager 2.1?
- Looking for 24 X 7 Design Considerations
- Looking for 24 X 7 Design Considerations]
- Migration
- migration from RBO to CBO
- mod_plsql in 8.1.7 does not parse XML
- OPS instalation - pretty urgent
- ORA-04030 error
- ORA-1410 on interMedia Text Index - SOLVED
- Oracle DBA Needed in Albany New York
- Oracle on OS390/MVS
- Oracle Pure Name and Address
- Perl code example
- PL/SQL procedure to return multiple rows
- PL/SQL stment
- Read only snapshot
- Renaming GLOBAL_NAME
- Select question
- SQL Forms and MS-SQL Server
- Subtract 1 month from current date
- Test - Please Delete
- test schema from prod
- The DBA in the IS organization
- trace files
- truncating snapshots
- USE_NL with or without ORDERED
- Using CLOB
- veritas backupexec horribly slow on one NT server
- Visio for ERD's ?
- Way off topic - Volunteering
- WinNT / Oracle 8.0.5 / Problem with mapped drive
- Last message date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 22:51:25 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 11:41:23 CST