Talk:Unusable indexes
From Oracle FAQ
Current code: Index partitions: SELECT 'alter index '||owner||'.'||index_name ||' rebuild partition '||PARTITION_NAME||' TABLESPACE '||tablespace_name ||';' sql_to_rebuild_index FROM dba_ind_partitions WHERE status = 'UNUSABLE';
Corrected code Index partitions: SELECT 'alter index '||index_owner||'.'||index_name ||' rebuild partition '||PARTITION_NAME||' TABLESPACE '||tablespace_name ||';' sql_to_rebuild_index FROM dba_ind_partitions WHERE status = 'UNUSABLE';
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- Thank for the correction, I fixed the page. Note that you can modify the wiki page yourself and it is appreciated.
- Thanks again.
- Michel Cadot (talk) 11:11, 25 April 2017 (CEST)