Oracle FAQ:About

From Oracle FAQ

The Oracle FAQ is NOT an official Oracle Support site, but rather a get-together of people with jobs in Oracle. In our spare time we come together here to learn about Oracle, share knowledge and try to help others solve their problems. In doing so, this sites puts a wealth of information at the fingertips of Oracle professionals all over the world. Use our directories and powerful search facilities to quickly locate all the information you need. We provide not only answers to Frequently Asked Questions, but also Message Boards, Sample Code, USENET Archives, Mailing List Archives, and many more features to enrich your Oracle journey.

Fancy seeing your articles, script and FAQ's here? It has never been easier to share information with others. Regardless your travels, when you submit information to the Oracle FAQ, you will always know where to find it again. Embrace this unique opportunity to share your knowledge and to become known in the Oracle community.

Your support makes this site possible. We would like to thank the more than 200,000 unique pairs of eyes that visit the Oracle FAQ every month. The success and popularity of this site are a direct result of your continued support and generous contributions.

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This site is independent of and does not represent Oracle Corporation in any way. Oracle does not officially sponsor, approve, or endorse this site or its content.