User:Michel Cadot

From Oracle FAQ

My Oracle freeware

  • McDP: a Data Pump program that does much more than expdp and impdp
  • McOptions: a program which allows to know which options are used in an Oracle database
  • McPwfile: a program to check the content of your Oracle password files
  • McTns: a lsnrctl-like program for Windows
  • McTnsping: a tnsping-like program for Windows
  • McUnwrap: a program which allows to retrieve the source of your wrapped PL/SQL objects

Retrieve me on LinkedIn.

A short resume

After an engineer diploma in aerospace science, Michel Cadot passed a Master in computer science with a thesis on artificial intelligence.

He started his professional life in October 1982 at Bull SA in OS performances topic then, from 1984, as project leader first creating a new high-performance Inter-System Communication subsystem then creating several Oracle DBA advanced tools.

In 1994, he leaved and started a new life as free lance. He mostly worked in 2 areas: Oracle RDBMS (administration, design, training...), from Oracle 4 to 21c, and designing and developing software for small enterprises.

He worked in the following domains:

  • Banking and insurance: CNCA (Crédit Agricole), ING Direct, MMA (Mutuelles du Mans Assurance), Natixis, SGCIB (Soc. Gen. Corporate & Investment Banking)
  • Industry: Delatre Levivier, Hutchinson, Renault, SAGEM
  • Luxury: Parfums Givenchy
  • Medecine: FGM (France Greffe de Moelle)
  • Phamarcy: Pfizer
  • Public: CAPEB (Confédération de l'Artisanat et des Petites Entreprises du Bâtiment), CUN (Communauté Urbaine de Nantes), DGI (Direction Générale des Impôts: tax)
  • Retailer: Auchan, BHV, Galerie Lafayette, Nouvelles Galeries
  • Services: Artech, SDDC (IBM Service Delivery for Distribution Company), Sopra
  • Supply: EDF (Electricité De France), Veolia, Vivendi

Now he freely works for humanitarian, environmental protection and animal rights organizations (audit, assessment, software/database design/development and training).

Retrieve him on LinkedIn.

My wiki contributions

A list of my edits are available here.

My forum posts

All my forum posts are available here.

My forum statistics