Jared Still

From Oracle FAQ
Photo of Jared Still

Jared Still is a well known Oracle professional and long time custodian of the Oracle-l mailing list. He is also an Oak Table member and an Oracle ACE.

Managing oracle-l

In 1998 Jared, and many other current subscribers of the Oracle-l list were on a list called oracle-l@suny.edu, but it went down for days at a time. The owner of the list did not respond to inquiries regarding the list, which was rather frustrating. So, oracle-l@teleport.com was born.

Oracle-L moved from oracle-l@teleport.com to oracle-l@fatcity.com in April 2000.

Oracle-L moved from oracle-l@fatcity.com to oracle-l@freelists.org, where it is currently hosted, in January 2004.

Jared handed "ownership" of the Oracle-L list to Steve Adams in September 2004.

External links