
From Oracle FAQ

ORACLE-L is the official mailing list for the Oracle FAQ. It provides simple and effective means for Oracle users to communicate with each other using standard e-mail. When you need to know something, you can ask your fellow subscribers. You may also answer other subscriber's questions by responding to their messages. The list processor takes care of distributing messages to the all subscribers of the list.

Subscribe/ Unsubscribe[edit]

To subscribe, send an e-mail message to with 'subscribe' in the Subject field. Alternatively, subscribe via the web site.

To unsubscribe, send an e-mail message to with 'unsubscribe' in the Subject field. Alternatively, subscribe via the web site.

Submit a posting to the list[edit]

Submissions for this mailing list should be made by sending E-mail to the following address:

Once your message is received at, it will be re-distributed to all mailing list subscribers. You may receive replies either privately or as replies to the list itself, depending on the choice of the person responding.

Archive of old Oracle-L messages[edit]

All messages send to the Oracle-L mailing list are archived on the Oracle FAQ Web Site at This is by far the largest and most complete Oracle-L archive available on the Internet.

More recent messages are also archived on the site at

Reporting problems[edit]

First try to solve the problem yourself by reading the documentation provided at

If all else fails, direct your complaint to the FreeList Staff at [1].