Setting up jobs with the Oracle Enterprise Manager

From: Rick Denoire <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 01:23:54 +0200
Message-ID: <>


[Quoted] [Quoted] In order to set up a job using the OEM, one has to put the user credentials to the node in the preferred settings. That works fine for our Unix DB (Oracle 8.1.7, Solaris 2.7).

But for some reason that does not work, when the DB Server is Windows Based (NT SP6). I put the credentials of the user "oracle" but then I get an error message in a pop-up box telling me that I was rejected and the job stops immediately after starting, according to the messages in the OMC.

The Windows machine hosting the DB is in an NT domain.

Well I know that you can't just connect to to a Windows server the same way that you do that in Unix. But the OEM is supposed to be able to transmit jobs to the agent on the DB anyway. Since I am not so [Quoted] experienced with Oracle under Windows, I think that I am missing something elementary.

Any hint?

Rick Received on Sat Jul 27 2002 - 01:23:54 CEST

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