Re: PL/SQL Parameter array help
Date: 30 Jun 2002 17:18:44 -0700
Message-ID: <>
In article <>,
>HP Unix 11
>Oracle 8.1.7
>I'm a relative newbie am trying to get a 2 returned arrays ( one is varchar and
>one is number) from a procedure call back into local variable types.
>I've tried "typing" my variable using a PL/SQL table but it still gives me a
>type mismatch. Am I missing something?
you are making up your own type -- when you should be using the type they already defined for you in the remote_pipe package.
In the remote_pipe package, they have defined the two table types you need -- drop your TYPE statements and define your variables to be of type remote_pipe.<what ever name they gave them>
>set serveroutput on size 1000000;
> declare
> type str_array is table of varchar2(255) index by binary_integer;
> type num_array is table of number(9) index by binary_integer;
> mycount number;
> sToEncode varchar2(200);
> sDictionary varchar2(200);
> nErrNum number;
> sErrMsg varchar2(200);
> nEncoderCount number;
> saEncoderType str_array;
> naRank num_array;
> naMatch num_array;
> saRetEncoder str_array;
> saTermInfo str_array;
> sToEncode := 'stroke';
> sDictionary := ‘MedDRA';
> when others then
> dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
-- Thomas Kyte ( Expert one on one Oracle, programming techniques and solutions for Oracle. Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle CorpReceived on Mon Jul 01 2002 - 02:18:44 CEST