Re: Setting up jobs with the Oracle Enterprise Manager
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 17:23:24 GMT
Message-ID: <gMV09.68620$uh7.8377_at_sccrnsc03>
[Quoted] I had a similar problem at a client site after the client promoted the
Oracle database server to a BDC. We had to demote it, create both a local
and domain account named "oracle" using the same password, make it a member
of the ORA_DBA group along with giving it the "logon as a batch job" user
right. It worked after we did this, and it continued to work after this
server was re-promoted as the BDC.
David Simpson
"Rick Denoire" <> wrote in message
> Hello
> In order to set up a job using the OEM, one has to put the user
> credentials to the node in the preferred settings. That works fine for
> our Unix DB (Oracle 8.1.7, Solaris 2.7).
> But for some reason that does not work, when the DB Server is Windows
> Based (NT SP6). I put the credentials of the user "oracle" but then I
> get an error message in a pop-up box telling me that I was rejected
> and the job stops immediately after starting, according to the
> messages in the OMC.
> The Windows machine hosting the DB is in an NT domain.
> Well I know that you can't just connect to to a Windows server the
> same way that you do that in Unix. But the OEM is supposed to be able
> to transmit jobs to the agent on the DB anyway. Since I am not so
> experienced with Oracle under Windows, I think that I am missing
> something elementary.
> Any hint?
> Thanks
> Rick
Received on Sun Jul 28 2002 - 19:23:24 CEST