Re: Oracle and Visio

From: Sybrand Bakker <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 00:38:47 +0200
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 09:26:44 -0500, Charles <> wrote:

>I think the biggest issue is that developers tend to consider
>themselves the 'expert' and the dba role is for support only. I know
>that in the last 3 projects I've worked, I've had to really push to
>get the dba's on the design stage of the project.

That's not my experience.
[Quoted] The developers I am working with like to involve dba's only to do stupid things they are too lazy for like exporting databases. [Quoted] [Quoted] In the meantime they have clearly demonstrated they know nothing about Oracle. It is quite common for those developers to *demand* root-access, to screw up the server, and leave us with repairing the shambles.
[Quoted] [Quoted] All developers I have been working with for the last 4 years largely confirm to that profile.

[Quoted] [Quoted] I don't know any DBA how wants to work like that. I've known many DBAs, including myself, who have become highly frustrated by those morons.


[Quoted] Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA

To reply remove -verwijderdit from my e-mail address Received on Thu Jul 25 2002 - 00:38:47 CEST

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