Re: Desktop Integrator and Business Objects
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 19:49:14 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Chloe Crowder wrote:
> Hi
> we're running Business Objects 4.1 against Oracle Financials 10 on Oracle 7.
> Two of our users recently installed Desktop Integrator v. 7, and now when
> they try to log in they get an Invalid Login message. They can still login
> from other PCs.
> The users may be trying for access to an Oracle 8i as part of our OF
> upgrade, so a new version of the communications software may have been
> installed, but I don't know yet.
> I would guess that the DI7 installation has broken a path or overwritten a
> .DLL. Does anyone have any suggestions?
[Quoted] Does Business Objects even support version 4 anymore? Might be time for an upgrade.
> Chloe Crowder
> The British Library
Received on Thu Jul 25 2002 - 01:49:14 CEST