Re: Problem with Oracle 8i client & Oracle forms 6i
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 14:52:09 GMT
Message-ID: <>
Uday Joshi wrote:
> Hi Morgan
> I had recognised my mistake. The only reason I posted the message was
> to see if any one had a solution which will involve modifying registry
> keys related to ORACLE_HOME rather than a comlete cleanup and fresh
> install.
> Anyway I did the full cleanup and freshinstall, this time registry
> looks good. Still the problem persists. On close monitoring I realised
> that there was some problem with jrew.exe and the error log said.....
> Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
> Fault address: 00010119 00:00000000
> Module:
> System Information:
> Operating System: Windows NT Version 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2
> Date and Time: 7/11/2002, 16:03
> Command line: ..\..\jre11\bin\jrew -classpath
> .;..\..\jre11\lib\rt.jar;..\..\jre11\lib\i18n.jar;..\..\jre11\classes\ewt\;.\;..\..\jre11\classes\jhelp\;..\..\jre11\classes\jnls\;.\
> Registers:
> EAX:00B14348
> EBX:01AD071C
> ECX:00B14348
> EDX:018D3D30
> ESI:002F5AF4
> EDI:0012FB48
> CS:EIP:001B:00010119
> SS:ESP:0023:0012FB40 EBP:6EE4DCA0
> DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000
> Flags:00010286
> Call stack:
> Address Frame
> 00010119 6EE4DCA0 0000:00000000
> 002F5AFC 002F59CF 0000:00000000
> 92D77000 B1433000 0000:00000000
> This sounds greek to me. All I can understand from this log is that...
> 1) There is some problem with java runtime environment. The AGE OLD
> jre 11 seems to have problems in coping up with my faster(?) Pentium 4
> and win2k.
> 2) Oracle 6i is using jre 1.1 while the latest one is 1.3 which i have
> on my machine.
> 3) Oracle has hardcoded class path in the application. Ideally there
> shall be a configuration file where you can choose which "java
> runtime" you want to use.
> Further oracle should have left it to the users to set "classpath"
> variable to "Oracle Specific path" required by them rather than
> hardcoding it...
> Now what I have done is like this......
> 1) I renamed $ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\bin to $ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\bin-old and
> $ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\lib to $ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\lib-old
> 2) Then I copied "bin" and "lib" folders from jre 1.3 folder to
> 3) In jre 1.1 there was a file called jrew.exe while in 1.3 there is
> no such file.
> Instead it has javaw.exe. So I had to rename
> $ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\bin\javaw.exe to $ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\bin\jrew.exe
> And what i have achieved is this........
> 1) If I run NET8 Assistant from start menu->oracle for winnt->NET8
> Assistant
> IT WORKS.......(Great Achievement) but now you "can not" close the
> window.
> You have to "kill" it from Task Manager.
> But it really doesn't heart me as long as my work is done....
> I know this posting qualifies for**** but I am posting it
> here for sharing the information with you all....
> Does anyone know any oracle-java support group where I can get a CLEAN
> solution to this problem.
> Cheers
> Uday
There are known issues with respect to Pentium 4 and Oracle that have been repeatedly addressed in these usenet groups so rather than rehash them I sugget you go through the archives or visit any one of the numerous Oracle support sites. It is just a question of having installed something developed before Pentium 4 and thus it could not have anticipated changes.
You might also want to look at getting a newer version that is Pentium 4 compatible if it exists (I haven't checked as I have no Pentium 4 machines).
Daniel Morgan Received on Fri Jul 12 2002 - 16:52:09 CEST