Re: Problem with Oracle 8i client & Oracle forms 6i
Date: 11 Jul 2002 23:59:56 -0700
Message-ID: <>
[Quoted] Hi Morgan
I had recognised my mistake. The only reason I posted the message was to see if any one had a solution which will involve modifying registry keys related to ORACLE_HOME rather than a comlete cleanup and fresh install.
Anyway I did the full cleanup and freshinstall, this time registry looks good. Still the problem persists. On close monitoring I realised that there was some problem with jrew.exe and the error log said.....
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 00010119 00:00000000
System Information:
Operating System: Windows NT Version 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2
Date and Time: 7/11/2002, 16:03
Command line: ..\..\jre11\bin\jrew -classpath
EAX:00B14348 EBX:01AD071C ECX:00B14348 EDX:018D3D30 ESI:002F5AF4 EDI:0012FB48 CS:EIP:001B:00010119
SS:ESP:0023:0012FB40 EBP:6EE4DCA0
DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000
Call stack:
Address Frame
00010119 6EE4DCA0 0000:00000000 002F5AFC 002F59CF 0000:00000000 92D77000 B1433000 0000:00000000
This sounds greek to me. All I can understand from this log is that...
- There is some problem with java runtime environment. The AGE OLD jre 11 seems to have problems in coping up with my faster(?) Pentium 4 and win2k.
- Oracle 6i is using jre 1.1 while the latest one is 1.3 which i have on my machine.
- Oracle has hardcoded class path in the application. Ideally there shall be a configuration file where you can choose which "java runtime" you want to use. Further oracle should have left it to the users to set "classpath" variable to "Oracle Specific path" required by them rather than hardcoding it...
Now what I have done is like this......
- I renamed $ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\bin to $ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\bin-old and
$ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\lib to $ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\lib-old
- Then I copied "bin" and "lib" folders from jre 1.3 folder to
- In jre 1.1 there was a file called jrew.exe while in 1.3 there is
no such file.
Instead it has javaw.exe. So I had to rename
$ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\bin\javaw.exe to $ORACLE_HOME\JRE11\bin\jrew.exe
And what i have achieved is this........
- If I run NET8 Assistant from start menu->oracle for winnt->NET8 Assistant IT WORKS.......(Great Achievement) but now you "can not" close the window. You have to "kill" it from Task Manager.
But it really doesn't heart me as long as my work is done....
I know this posting qualifies for**** but I am posting it here for sharing the information with you all....
Does anyone know any oracle-java support group where I can get a CLEAN solution to this problem.
Uday Received on Fri Jul 12 2002 - 08:59:56 CEST