RE: Oracle 21c (again)
Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 11:33:17 +0000
Message-ID: <>
I'm surprised I haven't heard anything back on this request. Am I the only one playing with 21c?
The SR with Oracle is going nowhere. They asked me for the Oracle document I was using, then sent me the documentation on how to install the software, which I've clearly done. This is very frustrating.
Scott Canaan '88
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From: <> On Behalf Of Scott Canaan
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2022 8:58 AM
Now that I understand the new location of the init.ora / spfile, I've created the database. I'm trying to run the catcdb.sql script. In 19c, it asked for passwords for sys & system, for the temp tablespace name, and directory and filename for the log file. When I run it in 21c, I get the following error:
SQL> set define $
I've opened an SR with Oracle, but that's going nowhere as all they keep asking for is log files and there aren't any. I put this exact information in the SR and they asked for the /tmp/catcdb_ship_err.log file, which obviously doesn't exist based on the error message. Clearly, they haven't read what I put in the SR.
I've tried giving it the log file directory and name when I call it and get the same error.
Any ideas what is going on and how to fix it?
Scott Canaan '88
Sr Database Administrator
Information & Technology Services
Finance & Administration
Rochester Institute of Technology
o: (585) 475-7886 | f: (585) 475-7520<> | c: (585) 339-8659
To: '' <>
Subject: Oracle 21c (again)
SQL> host perl -I $rdbms_admin $rdbms_admin_catcdb --logDirectory $1 --logFilename $2 >& $error_log_catcdb
Enter value for 2: catcdb.log
/bin/ksh: /tmp/catcdb_ship_err.log: bad file unit number
Sr Database Administrator
Information & Technology Services
Finance & Administration
Rochester Institute of Technology
o: (585) 475-7886 | f: (585) 475-7520<> | c: (585) 339-8659
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