Re: Sudden plan change related to "VIEW PUSHED PREDICATE" with cost difference of 1M VS 13G

From: Pap <>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 14:08:13 +0530
Message-ID: <>

Thank You Andy. Below is the outline of the plan which is generated post applying your suggested hints.


 INDEX_RS_ASC(_at_"SEL$2" "HIST"_at_"SEL$2" ("HIST"."FSID"   "HIST"."OT_DT"
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$4_2" "FS"_at_"SEL$4_2")
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$4_2" "VTI"_at_"SEL$4_2")
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$4_2" "VT"_at_"SEL$4_2")
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$4_1" "FS"_at_"SEL$4")
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$4_1" "VTI"_at_"SEL$4")
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$4_1" "VT"_at_"SEL$4")
 LEADING(_at_"SEL$4_2" "VTC"_at_"SEL$4_2" "VT"@"SEL$4_2" "VTI"@"SEL$4_2" "FS"_at_"SEL$4_2")
 LEADING(_at_"SEL$4_1" "VTC"_at_"SEL$4" "VT"@"SEL$4" "VTI"@"SEL$4" "FS"@"SEL$4")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$4_2" "FS"_at_"SEL$4_2")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$4_2" "VTI"_at_"SEL$4_2")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$4_2" "VT"_at_"SEL$4_2")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$4_2" "VTC"_at_"SEL$4_2")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$4_1" "FS"_at_"SEL$4")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$4_1" "VTI"_at_"SEL$4")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$4_1" "VT"_at_"SEL$4")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$4_1" "VTC"_at_"SEL$4")
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$5_2" "FS"_at_"SEL$5_2")
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$5_2" "VTI"_at_"SEL$5_2")
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$5_2" "VT"_at_"SEL$5_2")
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$5_1" "FS"_at_"SEL$5")
 USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$5_1" "VTI"_at_"SEL$5")  USE_HASH(_at_"SEL$5_1" "VT"_at_"SEL$5")  LEADING(_at_"SEL$5_2" "VTC"_at_"SEL$5_2" "VT"@"SEL$5_2" "VTI"@"SEL$5_2" "FS"_at_"SEL$5_2")
 LEADING(_at_"SEL$5_1" "VTC"_at_"SEL$5" "VT"@"SEL$5" "VTI"@"SEL$5" "FS"@"SEL$5")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$5_2" "FS"_at_"SEL$5_2")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$5_2" "VTI"_at_"SEL$5_2")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$5_2" "VT"_at_"SEL$5_2")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$5_2" "VTC"_at_"SEL$5_2")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$5_1" "FS"_at_"SEL$5")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$5_1" "VTI"_at_"SEL$5")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$5_1" "VT"_at_"SEL$5")
 FULL(_at_"SEL$5_1" "VTC"_at_"SEL$5")

 USE_NL(_at_"SEL$1" "from$_subquery$_014"_at_"SEL$1")
 LEADING(_at_"SEL$1" "TINFO"_at_"SEL$1" "from$_subquery$_014"@"SEL$1")
 NO_ACCESS(_at_"SEL$1" "from$_subquery$_014"_at_"SEL$1")
 NO_ACCESS(_at_"SEL$1" "TINFO"_at_"SEL$1")
 USE_MERGE_CARTESIAN(_at_"MRG$1" "HIST"_at_"MRG$1")  USE_MERGE_CARTESIAN(_at_"MRG$1" "TINFO"_at_"MRG$1")  LEADING(_at_"MRG$1" "from$_subquery$_015"_at_"MRG$1" "TINFO"@"MRG$1" "HIST"@"MRG$1")
 FULL(_at_"MRG$1" "HIST"_at_"MRG$1")
 NO_ACCESS(_at_"MRG$1" "TINFO"_at_"MRG$1")
 NO_ACCESS(_at_"MRG$1" "from$_subquery$_015"_at_"MRG$1")

 OPT_PARAM('_optimizer_gather_feedback' 'false')  OPT_PARAM('_optimizer_use_feedback' 'false')  DB_VERSION('')

On Tue, 17 May 2022, 3:54 am Andy Sayer, <> wrote:

> Can you grab the outline of that plan with my guessed hints? We can use
> them to fix up the hints. When you upgrade to 19c, you'll get notes about
> why it's not using the hints. It's no real surprise that the select query
> doesn't have the same issue - it takes it from a very unusual statement
> (which will suffer from obscure issues) to a fairly normal one (which other
> people would hit quickly so bugs can be fixed).
> It's funny how my hints have given the opposite plan to what I really
> intended but that is the nature of hints! I can see an opportunity for a
> big win where it's using the HIST_IX1 index on line 24, but if it's fast
> enough then not worth the effort.
> Thanks,
> Andy
> On Mon, 16 May 2022 at 12:53, Pap <> wrote:
>> Dont have DML rights on prod so explain plan is not working for me for
>> this MERGE but i fetched it from admin guys. Below is the plan with OFE
>> ('') and removing ordered hint. And i am seeing same plan even by
>> just removing ordered hint.
>> Also something interesting, when i ran it as a SELECT statement, its
>> going for thr JPPD , so it seems , its the MERGE query which is facing some
>> blocking transformation. And i am seeing hint added as /*+ NO_MERGE */ in
>> the unparsed query in the 10053 trace, not sure if its expected or point
>> towards any oddity?
>> And another interesting thing , when i had tried by pushing the hint
>> which Andy suggested i.e to make the plan as HASH JOIN + FULL SCAN , but
>> the resulted plan was totally different though. It was nested loop +
>> indexed access. But the sql is getting finished with that path. So we can
>> definitely push this as a profile. And this plan is having cost ~1M i.e.
>> lot less than the path its currently opting for by default. Still unknown
>> about the exact root cause/bug fix which is causing though. But we have
>> atleast got a workaround. Thank you so much.
>> Posted the above plans in below link.
>> On Fri, 13 May 2022, 4:35 pm Noveljic Nenad, <>
>> wrote:
>>> Have you considered following action plan?
>>> “
>>> - Generate the plan without optimizer_features_enabled (according to
>>> the outline it is set to
>>> - Remove the ORDERED hint and check if it has any impact
>>> - Duplicate the database and upgrade it to 19c just to see if the
>>> problem reproduces in a newer release
>>> “
>>> The first two points are trivial and don’t require much effort.
>>> *From:* Pap <>
>>> *Sent:* Freitag, 13. Mai 2022 07:21
>>> *To:* Noveljic Nenad <>
>>> *Cc:* Oracle L <>; Andy Sayer <>;
>>> Mohamed Houri <>
>>> *Subject:* Re: Sudden plan change related to "VIEW PUSHED PREDICATE"
>>> with cost difference of 1M VS 13G
>>> **** E-Mail from outside Vontobel:* Do not click on links or open
>>> attachments unless you know the content is safe. ***
>>> * _at_Nenad *
>>> *"Are there any lines between the two lines mentioned above (“updated
>>> best state” and “Will not use JPPD” that might give the reason for not
>>> using JPPD? "*
>>> There are no lines between these two in the trace file.
>>> On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 1:45 AM Noveljic Nenad <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Hello Pap
>>> I revisited my suggestion about column statistics - it was wrong. The
>>> low selectivity led to the JPPD transformation cost similar to the one that
>>> was in the plan with JPPD.
>>> JPPD: Updated best state, Cost = 39.073380
>>> If we multiply the cost above with the number of rows of the outer query
>>> block and add the cost of the outer join query block, we get the total cost
>>> of the plan with JPPD. It’s much lower than the plan without JPPD and
>>> similar to the cost of the good plan you’ve had previously:
>>> 20710 * 39.073380 + ~260K ~ 1M
>>> So JPPD should definitely be selected.
>>> The optimizer figured out that correctly and updated the best state with
>>> the cost of JPPD (39.07 is the cost of a single iteration):
>>> JPPD: Updated best state, Cost = 39.073380
>>> But then, it discarded it soon, for still unknown reason:
>>> JPPD: Will not use JPPD from query block SEL$B29E968D
>>> You mentioned that you edited out some lines from the optimizer trace.
>>> Are there any lines between the two lines mentioned above (“updated best
>>> state” and “Will not use JPPD” that might give the reason for not using
>>> JPPD? As already mentioned, the cost isn’t the reason.
>>> If not, the following might be the reason:
>>> A Optimizer applied some heuristics without logging it or
>>> B The correct decision got overridden due to a bug
>>> Could you try following:
>>> - Generate the plan without optimizer_features_enabled (according to
>>> the outline it is set to
>>> - Remove the ORDERED hint and check if it has any impact
>>> - Duplicate the database and upgrade it to 19c just to see if the
>>> problem reproduces in a newer release
>>> Best regards,
>>> Nenad
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Received on Wed May 18 2022 - 10:38:13 CEST

Original text of this message