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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: 10g RAC -- Multiple DB's and mixed OS gravou em 2006-04-07 15:27:29:
> On 4/6/06, Mogens Nørrgaard <> wrote:
> We have a
> number of RAC customers on Windows, and I'm not sure they have
> fewer or more problems than Unix/Linux RAC installations.
> It doesn't matter, really. Windows is chosen because it's easier to find
> people to manage it. It becomes harder and harder to find VMS, Unix and
> Linux administrators these days.
> And Windows might not be as good in some respects as Linux, but it
> doesn't matter if it's good enough.
> So while I HATE monopolies and companies (private or public) abusing
> monopolistic positions (and that has often included Microsoft, IBM and
> Oracle for that matter), I do have to answer 'Windows' when an IT
> director asks me - unless he already has a history and the people in his
> organisation to use Linux.
You sound self-contradicting.
If it doesn't matter, really, why help perpetuate the monopoly? Why foster the use of black boxen?
-- Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA Administrador de Bases de Dados +55 (11) 4390 5383 Toyota do Brasil Ltda São Bernardo do Campo, SP BRASIL -- on Fri Apr 07 2006 - 13:41:43 CDT