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Ok, possibly naive on my part, but Jeff doesn't seem to quite agree with
And I'm still curious about the other half: how much influence can be exerted over windows development?
Windows may be more stable than in the past, but it still has warts.
On 4/7/06, Kevin Closson <> wrote:
> >>Those same types of customers could easily get involved with
> Linux development
> and participate in the kernels future.
> I'm choking on my Bier, Jared! Anyone with intimate knowledge of what
> Operating System support a GOOD, boutique port of Oracle relies on knows
> all too well that not even Oracle Corp has managed to influence the
> Linux Kernel sufficiently! Some of the complete junk they are
> mainlining
> is astounding, and the motives for acceptance of same is generally a bit
> dubious.
> The majority of Linux revenue is desktop, and it shows. 'nuff said. It
> is a "good enough" situatation I feel.
> I think the age-old "world is flat" view of Windows is
> just that. Now, the "fit" of Oracle software on Windows is
> ripe for criticism.
-- Jared Still Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist -- on Fri Apr 07 2006 - 14:21:33 CDT