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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: 10g RAC -- Multiple DB's and mixed OS
>>Those same types of customers could easily get involved with
Linux development
and participate in the kernels future.
I'm choking on my Bier, Jared! Anyone with intimate knowledge of what
Operating System support a GOOD, boutique port of Oracle relies on knows
all too well that not even Oracle Corp has managed to influence the
Linux Kernel sufficiently! Some of the complete junk they are
is astounding, and the motives for acceptance of same is generally a bit
The majority of Linux revenue is desktop, and it shows. 'nuff said. It is a "good enough" situatation I feel.
I think the age-old "world is flat" view of Windows is just that. Now, the "fit" of Oracle software on Windows is ripe for criticism.
-- on Fri Apr 07 2006 - 13:43:44 CDT