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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: 10g RAC -- Multiple DB's and mixed OS
On 4/6/06, Mogens Nørrgaard <> wrote:
> We have a number of RAC customers on Windows, and I'm not sure they have
> fewer or more problems than Unix/Linux RAC installations.
> It doesn't matter, really. Windows is chosen because it's easier to find
> people to manage it. It becomes harder and harder to find VMS, Unix and
> Linux administrators these days.
> And Windows might not be as good in some respects as Linux, but it
> doesn't matter if it's good enough.
> So while I HATE monopolies and companies (private or public) abusing
> monopolistic positions (and that has often included Microsoft, IBM and
> Oracle for that matter), I do have to answer 'Windows' when an IT
> director asks me - unless he already has a history and the people in his
> organisation to use Linux.
> I also have this one concern about Linux: Customers have absolutely no
> say in its future development. It's proudly free of commercial
> interests, which is, uhm, a cool thing for nerds and not so cool for
> customers.
> Now let's have a good debate :-).
> Moans Longballs Nogood
Dear Mr Nogood:
Stop your Moaning.
The only Moans necessary are from those customers being monopolized. ;)
Are you implying that customers have a say in the future development of MS Windows?
Which customers would those be?
I'm guessing if anyone, it would be large accounts with lots of money.
Those same types of customers could easily get involved with Linux
and participate in the kernels future.
Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
PS. the debate has begun. :)
-- on Fri Apr 07 2006 - 13:27:29 CDT