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Oracle-L: by subject
- Agnostic references for Oracle v SQl Server 2000
- Agnostic references for Pracle v SQl Server 2000
- ALLOCATION_TYPE USER or SYSTEM for a Locally Managed Tablespace ?
- ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE - how far has it gotten
- Back to the Future - Migration from 7.2 to 9i!!!
- Backing up redo logs WAS: Lost ofall redo logs
- Best method to move Filesystems to RAW Devices.
- Cache Management on Storage Box
- count(*)
- Data file size growing causing high disk space.
- db block get vs consistent gets
- Db Block Size 8K or 16K for a FS Block Size = 16K
- DBA work load
- dbms_job.remove
- excessive SMON on openvms
- excessive SMON on openvms update...
- Explain plan of a table you do not own
- Group By - Without using aggregate functions
- Hash Cluster Statistics
- HP-UX 11i/8.1.7.x/Oracle-to-AD
- Lock on a sequence
- Lost ofall redo logs
- moving non system segments
- OEM Performance Manager
- Oracle Memory
- patch backout
- quckways to find block corruption
- RMAN need for alter system archive log all
- Scripts to reengineer a DB / recovery speed-up
- Spool Oracle Tables into Excel Format
- SQL question
- Statspack Report !!!
- Storage Box Cache Management - for the Storage Gurus
- Stupid Bind Variable question
- Used/Free Temporary Space
- User / Synonym Question
- Using Log Miner across all DB
- Using Log Miner across all DB : problem with using parameters default
- Last message date: Mon Sep 23 2002 - 23:33:21 CDT
- Archived on: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 10:46:12 CDT