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- (Fwd) Oracle vs. SQL Server on Windows 2000
- 9.2 install
- Alternative to Crystal Reports
- Anyone seen 9iRel2 install crashing during relinking (Tru64)
- AW: Replication question
- Batch process (PS - SQR) performance tuning
- comp.databases.oracle newsgroups
- Corrupt archive redolog on 7.3.4
- Database Creation Problem
- DB Link to MS SQL Server ?
- dedicated sessions
- Free buffer requested
- How to fine free space in an index
- How to make SQLLDR to run faster?
- How to remove Lock on a Table
- IBM AIX & Shark storage?
- Index & Constraint
- MS SQL Server mailing lists ???
- ocp exam/when?
- OCP newsletter, latest changes...
- Online vs offline backups
- ORACLE-L list and latency (???)
- order by versus order by desc problem ..... probably a simple
- order by versus order by desc problem ..... probably a simple pro
- OT: Viruses
- Out of topic :Compare 2 data files in unix
- packages & procedures
- partitioning in 9i?
- PL/SQL (May be SQL) question
- PL/SQL proc calls to a remote DB via DB link
- Pl/Sql renaming columns
- production database on aix won't be open, help
- Query Tuning
- Question about sql loader - help
- Replication question
- Repost: Offline vs Online
- RMAN / NFS error
- RMAN / NFS error - solved
- rman resisterring target
- RMAN: can't allocate auxiliary channel to duplicate db
- SEQ#, DUAL and Oracle literacy
- sequence question
- SMON Using Lots of Memory in 9i
- sys corrupted in warehouse, sev1 tar open - resolved
- the ora certified masters cert, yet again
- The Right Manual
- tkprof and parallel queries
- Training courses
- Unable to start database, Oracle 8.16 on Windows NT 4.0 Serv
- Urgent!!Data lost
- what is the latest db that will support ***CLIENT-SERVER***
- what is the latest db that will support ***CLIENT-SERVER*** "
- Last message date: Thu Jun 20 2002 - 23:13:18 CDT
- Archived on: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 15:50:12 CST