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Oracle-L: by subject
- A bit of SQL tuning
- arguments in ora-600
- Cause for explain plan differences? - probably a basic questi
- Cause for explain plan differences? - probably a basic question
- config problem on 8.1.7
- Crash Recovery
- Current Osuser
- Dedicated connections on MTS server
- determining when a refresh has completed
- Dr. Watson -sql*plus
- dumn unix script question
- Enforced Costraints ??
- find allocated and used space for a table
- Friday thought
- help for rollback segments..
- How do IMP & EXP - SOS
- how to substr '%' from the data?
- Index organised tables any limitations?
- isqlPlus
- Kismeta Validator
- ksrchdelete7
- LOB Storage Characteristics
- MTS and Java applications
- News: Technology and the corruption of copyright
- Null values
- ORA-01555 error
- Oracle 9i V$VERSION and changes to the system views for 9i
- Oracle reports
- Oracle's Market share
- OT - Wrap-up of 'Serious Question ' - now book idea - hig
- OT -- SAP and IBM
- primary/ foreign key constraints for oltp, overhead?...soluti
- procedure error
- Question about many Oracle Data Files
- RAID5 question, take 2
- Recording Destructive DDL
- Recording Destructive SQL Trapping "Alter Table Drop Column" So
- regarding isqlPlus
- Removing Older version of Oracle on NT Machine
- rollback use query
- Serious Question (believe it or not)...
- set feedback off in procedure
- SID on sqlplus prompt?
- Sqlloader on VSAM file
- Sun cluster with Ultra 10
- sys.v_$parameter
- Veritas Quick I/0 and Oracle/ Asycnchronous I/O
- What is the logging column of the DBA_TABLES view used for?
- what's wrong with this...DBMS_SQL
- whats new in oracle8.1.7
- Last message date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 23:57:23 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 14:19:16 CST