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Oracle-L: by subject
- (Fwd) Tar # 1339336.996:run all on one win2000 box: OEM, DB,
- Ability for non DBA user to kill session.
- Acces forum
- authentication externally on WinNT
- Bitmap Indexes sizes
- block_size
- Conventions for naming indexes, constraints etc.
- crontab script problem
- db link hangs
- Designer 6i Versioning vs. ?
- Direct Vs. SQL*net
- filesystem buffer ON/OFF ?
- Import issue..
- Import/Export performance
- Index Block Dumps
- Insert Cardinalities into the data dictionary directly
- Lawrence To's article on standby databases
- Locally Managed Tablespaces
- Meeting at IOUG
- Monitoring Archived Logs
- move schema away from system table space
- ORA - 600 errors reported
- Oracle 9iAS and Portal 3.0
- Oracle 9iAs on Linux intel
- Oracle Financials DBAs Needed in Charlotte, NC..
- OT: eBusiness article
- Overlapping date intervals?
- Peoplesoft (sqr)
- Priv to view package bodies created by other users
- Problem with DBMS_SQL
- Problems with patch on NT/2000
- Prompt and accept a value inside a procedure
- Qualifying columns to improve performance?
- RMAN doubts
- row count in table ?
- server sizing [NT: need XEON?]
- Temporary Tablespace Design
- tnsnames problem
- Unemployed ????
- weird bitmap error
- Weird link problem
- Last message date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 22:38:53 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 08:49:19 CST