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Oracle-L: by subject
- "DB2 UDB vs. Oracle8i: Total Cost of Ownership" whitepaper
- 2nd Req URGENT pls help- needed (deletes)
- Allow user A to create tables in schema B
- Any exp with NTw/2 to 4 hamster wheels?
- Any performance impact on Row Level Security
- Asynch IO and truss question
- Audit
- benchmarking
- Cannot use LOCK_SGA on Solaris7 - Oracle8i
- Changing the name of a tablespace with Oracle ?
- Coalescing Freespace / pctincrease = 1
- compressed JFS on AIX for datafiles
- Convert LOB data type back into LONG
- COPY command inside of stored procedure
- delphi-oracle
- Designer 6i Database Design Transformer Column Sequence
- FreeOCP
- FreeOCP and antidisenfranchisementarianism
- How to make a PL/SQL faster?
- How to remotely start/stop oracle listener service?
- I learned something today...
- java stored procs -off topic
- LoadRunner and Oracle for Stress Testing
- Multiple Listeners on Same Oracle Homes
- NetApp
- obfuscation
- ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn't ...
- ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist .
- ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
- Performance of Oracle and UNIX
- PLSQL for ddl
- Problem Importing
- Q: Ora 7.3.5, 8.1.5 and 8.1.6 on same NT machine?
- Query problem
- Question for Peoplesoft DBAs
- Raw Vs. File systems, your opinion?
- Redo Copy Latch
- Renaming a table on-the-fly
- RV: parameters the kernel for oracle (shared memory)
- shutdown for backup : pro's and con's
- shutdown immediate
- SOS Alert
- The tale of two queries
- To Cycle or Not to Cycle : That is the question
- Urgent: Problem installing Oracle 817 on solaris8
- V$SQLAREA Executions Error?
- Waits on pipe get ?
- WEBDB/ PORTAL licensing
- Last message date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 13:19:11 CST
- Archived on: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 00:26:59 CDT