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Playing with Oracle Database Cloud Backup Service

Tue, 2018-04-03 19:13

This article will show you how easy is to make use of Oracle Cloud to securely store all our on-premises Oracle Database Backups. Note that backups stored in Oracle Cloud can also be used to create new Oracle Database Instances (DBaaS).


To perform the steps in this tutorial, you will need:

  • An understanding of the Oracle RMAN backup and Recovery concepts.
  • A subscription to Oracle Compute Cloud Service ( You can enroll for a free tryout here )
  • An understanding of encryption within RMAN as it is mandatory to encrypt all Oracle cloud backups 
  • On-Premise database server OS login credentials
Note: You can click on the images at any time to see them in more detail ;)

First, let start downloading the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module from OTN, and copying it to your on-premise database server.

After copying the backup module zip file, create a new folder called “opc” under $ORACLE_BASE and copy the zip file to it.

$ mkdir /u01/app/oracle/opc
$ cp /u01/app/oracle/opc
$ chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oracle/opc

Next, go to the newly created folder and unzip the file

Now, let’s create a folder for the Cloud Backup Wallet and the Library that would be populated when installing the Cloud Module.

$ mkdir wallet library

Finally is time to install the Cloud Backup Module and let the magic begins. 

java -jar opc_install.jar -host https://<enter your cloud account identifier here><enter your cloud account identifier here> -opcId "<username of your account>" -opcPass "<your password>" -walletDir $ORACLE_BASE/opc/wallet -libDir $ORACLE_BASE/opc/library

You can see that after successfully install the module it:

  • generated a wallet on your wallet folder at  $ORACLE_BASE/opc/wallet
  • generated your library at $ORACLE_BASE/opc/library
  • generated an OPC initialization parameter at $ORACLE_HOME/dbs

Now we need to create a directory for our Database Encryption Wallet and add its location to our sqlnet.ora file.

$ mkdir -p /u01/oracle/admin/AWS11G/wallet
$ vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora


Let’s connect to the database via Sql*Plus and create the database encryption.

SQL> alter system set encryption key identified by "oracle";

Note: Do not lose the encryption key (save it in a safe location). Also, after any restart of the database please run:

SQL> alter system set encryption wallet open identified by “oracle”;

Now, we will execute our first backup to the Cloud. 

$ rman target /

RMAN> set encryption on identified by "oracle";
RMAN> run {
allocate channel t1 type SBT_TAPE MAXPIECESIZE 2G PARMS
backup database plus archivelog;
backup current controlfile;
release channel t1;

Note: If using Oracle Standard Edition with a version lower then 12.2 you could hit the bug 18339044. This bug says that backup encryption requires Enterprise Edition. To solve this issue please apply the patch Patch 18339044 to your database.

This is the error you would see if hitting this bug:

RMAN> set encryption on identified by "oracle";

executing command: SET encryption
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of set command
RMAN-06770: backup encryption requires Enterprise Edition

You can see that your backup files are now safely stored in your Oracle Cloud Storage Classic.

As you can see it works like a charm.  Just to be sure, let’s play a little by removing a datafile and restoring and recovering it from our backup in the Cloud.

For this example, I will remove a datafile called “DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST” (Created on purpose like this, a history for another time)

After removing the file I will shutdown the database and you will see an error message when doing it.

Now, all we need to do is to startup the instance at mount mode, and restore and recover the datafile lost from our Cloud Backup. Please do not forget to set encryption before running the restore and recover commands.

RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> set encryption on identified by "oracle";
RMAN> run {
allocate channel t1 type SBT_TAPE MAXPIECESIZE 2G PARMS
restore datafile 6;
recover datafile 6;
release channel t1;
RMAN> alter database open;

Hope you enjoyed this article and looking forward to your comments and questions!

Kind Regards,

Francisco Munoz Alvarez

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Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [Playing with Oracle Database Cloud Backup Service], All Right Reserved. 2019.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Playing with CrashSimulator

Thu, 2018-03-22 05:33

Hi everyone,


Today I will show you how CrashSimulator (Shell Script – current version 1.04) works in detail. When unzipping the zip file you will find the following files within it:

  • – For high-resolution ssh emulator screens, it shows all 3 menu columns on one screen.
  • – For low-resolution ssh emulator screens, it shows CDB options, PDB and ASM options on separated screens.
  • – Same as the first option but made to be used within White background ssh emulator screens.
  • – Same as the normal low-resolution option but for White background ssh emulator screens.
  • Readme.lst – Text File with installation instructions.

You can download CrashSimulator here.

Note: Before starting with any simulation please ensure to have the proper backups on place. Without backups, it would be almost impossible to recover from some of the scenarios. I recommend you to:

  • Run a full RMAN backup that includes your archive logs (Including CDB and PDBs).
  • Backup your control file(s) and Parameter file (PFILE or SPFILE) – It could be automatically done by RMAN also.
  • Ensure Flashback is on in your database.
  • Run a full logical backup of your database with Data Pump.
  • Backup your Oracle Home, oraInventory and /etc/oratab file.

Note: Always keep a copy of your backups on a separate storage or media.

Now that you are fully protected, let’s start CrashSimulator by running the command “./”

The first screen shows us the terms and conditions for the use of the tool, please read them and enter [y/Y] to accept them and continue.

Now we are on the main screen, where all the fun happens. The options available here are:

CDB (or for non-CDB environments) Crash Scenarios:

  • [  1] – Loss of a Control File – This will move and rename one of your database control files (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/controlfile.tmp
  • [  2] – Loss of all Control Files – This will move and rename all of your database control files (adding date and extension bck to it).Details here: /tmp/allcontrolfile.tmp
  • [  3] – Loss of a Redo Log File Group Member – This will move and rename a redo log file (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/logfile.tmp
  • [  4] – Loss of a Redo Log File Group – This will move and rename a redo log group files (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/log_groupfiles.tmp
  • [  5] – Loss of a non-System Datafile – This will move and rename a non-system datafile (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/non_system_datafile.tmp
  • [  6] – Loss of a Temporary Tempfile – This will move and rename tempfile (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/temporary_datafile.tmp
  • [  7] – Loss of a System Datafile – This will move and rename a system datafile (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/non_system_datafile.tmp
  • [  8] – Loss of an Undo Datafile – This will move and rename an Undo datafile (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/undo_datafile.tmp
  • [  9] – Loss of a Read-Only Tablespace – This will move and rename all datafile of a Read-Only tablespace (adding date and extension bck). Details here: /tmp/readonly_tablespace.tmp
  • [10] – Loss of an Index Tablespace – This will move and rename all datafile of a Index-Only tablespace (adding date and extension bck). Details here: /tmp/indexonly_tablespace.tmp
  • [11] – Loss of all Non-Unique/primary key indexes in Users – This will Drop all Non Unique/primary key indexes on tablespace Users. Details here: /tmp/indexusers.tmp
  • [12] – Loss of a non-System Tablespace – This will move and rename all datafiles of a non-system tablespace (adding date and extension bck). Details here: /tmp/non_system_datafiles.tmp
  • [13] – Loss of a Temporary Tablespace – This will move and rename all tempfiles (adding date and extension bck to them). Details here: /tmp/temporary_datafiles.tmp
  • [14] – Loss of a SYSTEM Tablespace – This will move and rename all System Tablespace datafiles (adding date and extension bck to them). Details here: /tmp/system_datafiles.tmp
  • [15] – Loss of an UNDO tablespace – This will move and rename all Undo datafiles (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/undo_datafiles.tmp
  • [16] – Loss of the Password File – This will move and rename your PFILE if in use (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/pfile.tmp
  • [17] – Loss of all Datafiles – This will move and rename all database datafiles (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/all_datafile.tmp
  • [18] – Loss of Redo Log Member of a Multiplexed Group – This will move and rename all Redo Log files in a Multiplexed Group (adding date and extension bck). Details here: /tmp/redo_group.tmp
  • [19] – Loss of all Redo Log Members of INACTIVE groups – This will move and rename all Redo Log files in an Inactive Group (adding date and extension bck). Details here: /tmp/inactive_group.tmp
  • [20] – Loss of all Redo Log Members of an ACTIVE group – This will move and rename all Redo Log files in an Active Group (adding date and extension bck ). Details here: /tmp/active_group.tmp
  • [21] – Loss of all Redo Log Members of a CURRENT group – This will move and rename all Redo Log files in a Current Group (adding date and extension bck ). Details here: /tmp/current_group.tmp
  • [22] – File Header Corruption – This will cause corruption of a datafile – Details here: /tmp/filehcorruption.tmp
  • [23] – Control Files Corruption – This will cause corruption of a Control File – Details here: /tmp/filecorruption.tmp
  • [24] – Current Log File Corruption – This will cause corruption of a Log File – Details here: /tmp/logcorruption.tmp
  • [25] – Loss of all RMAN Backups – This will delete all RMAN backup files on disk – Details here: /tmp/rmanloss.tmp
  • [26] – Loss of SPFILE – This will move and rename your SPFILE if in use (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/spfile.tmp
  • [27] – Loss of TNSNAMES and LISTENER – This will move and rename your Listener.ora and Tnsnames.ora files (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/sqlnet.tmp
  • [28] – Loss of ORACLE HOME – This will move your current $ORACLE_HOME directory to $ORACLE_BASE.location. Details here: /tmp/oraclehome.tmp
  • [29] – Loss of FRA – This will move your current FRA directory to $ORACLE_BASE. Details here: /tmp/fra.tmp

PDB Crash Scenarios:

  • [30] – Loss of a non-System Datafile – This will move and rename a non-system datafile (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/pdbnon_system_datafile.tmp
  • [31] – Loss of a Temporary Tempfile – This will move and rename tempfile (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: tmp/pdbtemporary_datafile.tmp
  • [32] – Loss of a SYSTEM Datafile – This will move and rename a system datafile (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/pdbsystem_datafile.tmp
  • [33] – Loss of an UNDO Datafile – This will move and rename an Undo datafile (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/pdbundo_datafile.tmp
  • [34] – Loss of a Read-Only Tablespace – This will move and rename all datafile of a Read-Only tablespace (adding date and extension bck). Details here: /tmp/pdbreadonly_tablespace.tmp
  • [35] – Loss of an Index Tablespace – This will move and rename all datafile of a Index-Only tablespace (adding date and extension bck). Details here: /tmp/pdbindexonly_tablespace.tmp
  • [36] – Loss of all Non-unique/primary key indexes in USERS – This will Drop all Non Unique/primary key indexes on tablespace Users. Details here: /tmp/pdbindexusers.tmp
  • [37] – Loss of a non-System Tablespace – This will move and rename all datafiles of a non-system tablespace (adding date and extension bck). Details here: /tmp/pdbnon_system_datafileall.tmp
  • [38] – Loss of a Temporary Tablespace – This will move and rename all tempfiles (adding date and extension bck to them). Details here: /tmp/pdbtemporary_datafileall.tmp
  • [39] – Loss of a SYSTEM Tablespace – This will move and rename all System Tablespace datafiles (adding date and extension bck to them). Details here: /tmp/pdbsystem_datafileall.tmp
  • [40] – Loss of an UNDO Tablespace – This will move and rename all Undo datafiles (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/pdbundo_datafileall.tmp
  • [41] – Loss of all Datafiles – This will move and rename all database datafiles (adding date and extension bck to it). Details here: /tmp/pdball_datafile.tmp
  • [42] – Physical Block Corruption – This will cause corruption of a datafile – Details here: /tmp/pdbfilehcorruption.tmp
  • [43] – Loss of a Table – This will drop an user table – Details here: /tmp/pdbtable.tmp
  • [44] – Loss of a Schema – This will drop a Schema – Details here: /tmp/pdbschema.tmp
  • [45] – Loss of a PDB – This will place a PDB offline and Drop it. Details here: /tmp/pdb.tmp

ASM Crash Scenarios (Coming Soon):

  • [46] – Loss of a Data Disk Group
  • [47] – Loss of OCR
  • [48] – Loss of Voting Disk
  • [49] – Loss of a ASM Spfile

Option [99] – This will perform a random scenario for you (Anyone from number 1 to 45).

Here is a view of how the Low-resolution screens looks like:

Please, add comments to this post with ideas of new scenarios to help me with this product road map. I am also currently working in a booklet with all recovery scenarios used by CrashSimulator.

Hope you enjoy this tool and please remember to follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn to be aware of all new versions, updates and news with regards to CrashSimulator.

Kind Regards,


Francisco Munoz Alvarez

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Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [Playing with CrashSimulator], All Right Reserved. 2019.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Playing with 18c on Oracle Database Cloud Service – How to use and create a database STEP by STEP

Tue, 2018-03-06 20:44


The Oracle Database Cloud Service (ODBCS)  is the DBaaS  extension of Virtual Image Service and includes additional automation for database provisioning during service creation, backup, recovery, and patching. While you are still responsible for the complete management of the environment, the embedded automation and tooling can simplify some DBA tasks.

With the exception of Oracle Database Schema Service, these are not “true” PaaS offerings; they function more like IaaS-style services but with database software licenses included. But this is on the way, as Oracle recently announced plans for a fully managed DBaaS offering  similar to the one available through AWS.It  gives you the flexibility of deploying a Cloud instance that comes automatically with an Oracle database version of your choice (11G, 12c or even 18c) installed and configured (ready to use) with the amazing extra of full access to the OS level as root.

The benefits do not stop there, it also allow you to:

  • Choose the editions and options you want to have enabled by default 
  • Bring your own license or pay as you go (hourly or monthly)
  • Have access to automatic backups and recommended Patching
  • Snapshots
  • and much, much more!

Lets, Play with it and create an instance with Oracle Database 18c for you as example.

1. Deploying the Instance

When connected to the Oracle Database Cloud Service page, select the option Create Service as shown bellow.


Next, enter a name for your new service ( a Service Name is the name that your  Cloud Instance will have), a description if you want, an email account you will like to use to receive any notification,  the region of your preference (if any) to run your Service, specify a tag (if any), then chose the service level as Oracle Database Cloud Service, choose your metering frequency (Hourly or Monthly), next select your desired Database Software Release of your preference –  it could be 11gR2 ,12cR1,12cR2 or 18c), next select the software edition of your preference (Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Enterprise Edition High Performance or Enterprise Edition Extreme Performance), note that:

  • Enterprise Edition includes no Database Options. 
  • Enterprise Edition High Performance includes all Database Options and Enterprise Manager Packs except RAC, RAC One Node, In Memory Database and Active Data Guard. 
  • Enterprise Edition Extreme Performance includes all Database Options with RAC, RAC One Node, In Memory Database and Active Data Guard. (Some options are dependent on the Database version and also may only be available in future releases.)

Finally choose the Database Type that could be:

  • Single Instance
  • Database Clustering with RAC
  • Single Instance with Data Guard Standby
  • Data Guard Standby for Hybrid DR
  • Database Clustering with RAC and Data Guard Standby

For this example I have selected Single Instance and then press Next.


Then enter the DB name of your preference, PDB Name (only CDB DB Implementations are available with this option of PaaS) ,Chose the administration password (it will be used by SYS and System as per example),  select the resources that would be used by your Instance (Storage, Compute Shape – Number of Oracle CPUs and desired Memory, for this example we have selected the basic size of 1 OCPU and 7.5 GB RAM) plus enter the SSH Public Key that will grant you a secure access to your instance (Details of how to generate and setup a SSH Key could be found here ).

Net click if you want to make use of high performance storage (if not, just leave it blank), select your preferences for backup and check no when asked if it will be initialised from a backup. Also, click on advanced settings to enter you listener port, timezone, character set, NCS and if you want to enable Golden Gate.

Then click Next.



Finally, review and confirm all your responses and press Create.


Now your instance is been create and in a few minutes would be ready to go for you. Enjoy !!


Note: Do not forget to properly setup the access rules for the instance after it becomes available.

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Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [Playing with 18c on Oracle Database Cloud Service – How to use and create a database STEP by STEP], All Right Reserved. 2019.
Categories: DBA Blogs

How to Solve: SQL Developer can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing (On Windows)

Sun, 2014-07-06 20:42

I have installed SQL Developer (with JDK) on Windows many times before, and almost all the time I receive the system error bellow when trying to execute it by the first time. Due to this, I decided to publish the solution to this annoying issue.


We can easily fix this issue by following these simple steps:

  1. Run regedit (remember to run it as the administrator)
  3. Expand SOFTWARE
  4. Expand Microsoft
  5. Expand Windows
  6. Expand CurrentVersion
  7. Expand App Paths
  8. At App Paths, add a new KEY called sqldeveloper.exe
  9. Expand sqldeveloper.exe
  10. Modify the (DEFAULT) value to the full pathway to the sqldeveloper executable (See example below step 11)
  11. Create a new STRING VALUE called Path and set it value to the sqldeveloper pathway + \jdk\jre\bin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             regedit
  12. After the step 11 is completed, please enjoy your SQLDEVELOPER Smile


Hope this tip would help you to solve this issue too!




Francisco Munoz Alvarez


Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [How to Solve: SQL Developer can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing (On Windows)], All Right Reserved. 2016.
Categories: DBA Blogs

My Latin American Tour in March

Thu, 2014-01-23 19:00

At March I will be presenting my very successful seminar “Mastering Backup and Recovery” in some countries of Latin America for the very first time. Thank you Ecuador,Panama, Chile and Brazil OUGs for inviting me to your amazing countries!


Please, use the following links for registration and also to find more information about the seminar:

  • Quito, Ecuador – March 13-15 (2014) Click Here
  • Panama City, Panama – March 17-18 (2014) Click Here
  • Porto Alegre, Brazil – March 20-21 (2014) Click Here
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil – March 24-25 (2014) Click Here
  • Santiago, Chile – March 27-28 (2014) Click Here



Note: the next 10 people on each country to register before February 15 will receive a free signed copy of my book “Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide”




Francisco Munoz Alvarez


Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [My Latin American Tour in March], All Right Reserved. 2016.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Join me at the next OTN Virtual Developer Day

Thu, 2014-01-23 18:18



Hi All,

On February 4, 2014 at 9:30 am PT I will be talking on the next OTN Virtual Developer Day about Oracle VM and Oracle Database. Come and discover the answers for the following questions:

  • Does an Oracle Database perform well on a virtualized environment?
  • What virtualization technology is more stable and allows an Oracle database to perform faster?
  • What is the performance difference between using a bare metal and a virtualized guest?
  • Is it safe to run a production database in a virtualized environment?

Come and join me on this fantastic event. Registrations and more information here.



Francisco Munoz Alvarez


Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [Join me at the next OTN Virtual Developer Day], All Right Reserved. 2016.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Problems when doing a V2V or P2V of a windows server to Oracle VM

Thu, 2014-01-23 18:06

Some time ago, I received the request to migrate some Windows 2008 Servers to my Oracle VM farm and after complete the P2V migration the newly create VM would not start. It would crash on boot with blue screen and error:
STOP: 0x0000007B (0xXXXXXXXX,0xXXXXXXXX,0×00000000,0×00000000)

This issue is related to the storage drivers needed for the guest VM, and to solve this issue you should do the following on your Windows Server before start the P2V or V2V migration:

  1. Extract the Atapi.sys, Intelide.sys, Pciide.sys, and Pciidex.sys files from the %SystemRoot%\Driver Cache\I386\ file, copy the files to the %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers folder.
  2. Merge this register file (NOTE: You would need access to My Oracle Support to be able to download it)
  3. Turn off the virtual machine, and then try import it to OracleVM again.

You can also find more information regarding this problem on the following Microsoft link:

Hope this would help you if having the same issue I had.




Francisco Munoz Alvarez


Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [Problems when doing a V2V or P2V of a windows server to Oracle VM], All Right Reserved. 2016.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Joint Webinar with Oracle – Top 5 Key Reasons Why Oracle VM is Best for Oracle Database

Wed, 2013-12-04 14:50

Top 5 Key Reasons Why Oracle VM is Best for Oracle Database


When: Tuesday December 17th , 10am PST

Register Here:

Oracle VM application-driven architecture is designed for rapid deployment and ease of lifecycle management providing IT a highly scalable and cost effective virtualization solution for Oracle Database and business-critical applications.

Join us in this webcast featuring Francisco Munoz Alvarez, a seasoned expert, and Oracle ACE Director as he shares his performance benchmark findings highlighting key reasons why Oracle VM is the best virtualization technology for Oracle Databases.


Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [Joint Webinar with Oracle - Top 5 Key Reasons Why Oracle VM is Best for Oracle Database], All Right Reserved. 2016.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Have a sneak peek of my book

Tue, 2013-09-24 17:32

Do you want to have a sneak peek of my book “Oracle 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide” I wrote with my good friend Aman Sharma? If yes, you can download the chapter 1 of the book as a demo from here.

You can see more information regarding the book or buy it from here.



Francisco Munoz Alvarez


Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [Have a sneak peek of my book], All Right Reserved. 2016.
Categories: DBA Blogs

My book: Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide

Mon, 2013-08-05 18:15

It was a long journey of hard work and team work that now has finished, as a result you will find my book Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide that I wrote with the help of my good friend Aman Sharma.

I would also take this opportunity to recognize the great work done by many good friends involved in the technical review of the book:

  • Tom Kyte
  • Arup Nanda
  • Robert Freeman
  • Laurent Schneider
  • Gokhan Atil
  • Wissem El Khlifi
  • Bjorn Naessens
  • Alessandro Parisi

Thank you so much my friends for all comments, suggestions, corrections and support during this long journey!

You can pre-order the book here:


Here is some information about the book:

The three main responsibilities of a successful DBA are to ensure the availability, recoverability, and performance of any database. To ensure the recoverability of any database, a DBA needs to have a strong backup and recovery skills set. Every DBA is always looking for a reference book that will help them to solve any possible backup and recovery situation that they can come across in their professional life.

Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide has the unique advantage to be a reference to all Oracle backup and recovery options available, making it essential for any DBA in the world. If you are new to Oracle Database, this book will introduce you to the fantastic world of backup and recovery that is vital to your success. If you are an experienced DBA, this book will become a reference guide and will also help you to learn some possible new skills, or give you some new ideas you were never aware about. It will also help you to easily find the solution to some of the most well known problems you could find during your career as a DBA. This book contains useful screenshots, scripts, and examples that you will find more than useful.

Most of the books currently available in the market concentrate only on the RMAN utility to backup and recovery. This book will be an exception to the rule and will become a must-have reference, allowing you to design a real and complete backup and recovery strategy. It covers the most important topics on Oracle database such as backup strategies, Nologging operations, new features in 12c, user managed backups and recoveries, RMAN (including reporting, catalog management, troubleshooting, and performance tuning), advanced data pump, Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c and SQL Developer.

“Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide” contains everything a DBA needs to know to keep data safe and recoverable, using real-life scenarios.


Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [My book: Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide], All Right Reserved. 2016.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Why use OVM for Oracle Databases

Tue, 2013-07-02 23:32

Some time ago I made a benchmark exercise to compare the performance of an Oracle Database running in a bare metal environment versus a virtualized environment to clear some of the main questions our team and clients in Revera have, such as:

  • Does an Oracle Database performs well on a virtualized environment?
  • What virtualization technology is more stable and allows an Oracle database to perform faster?
  • What is the performance difference between using a bare metal and a virtualized guest?
  • Is it safe to run a production database in a virtualized environment?

Here you can find the results and the answers to the questions above:




Francisco Munoz Alvarez

Tags:  , , ,

Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [Why use OVM for Oracle Databases], All Right Reserved. 2016.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Playing with VirtualBox, Oracle 12c ( and OEL 6.4 – Part 1

Mon, 2013-07-01 23:22

Now that 12c was released it’s time to install in on OEL 6.4 64 bits OS. Let’s start playing with this.

Before we start with the creation of the VM we will need to download some software first, such as:

Now that we have all the required software, let’s use the following steps to create our virtual machine using VirtualBox.

1 – Start VirtualBox and click on the option [New].

2 – Name the Virtual Machine and select the type of OS (Oracle Linux) and click [Next].


3 – Enter the amount of RAM for the VM. For this example I’m entering 4096MB if you do not have this amount of memory to use, please try with 2048 MB. An click [Next].


4 – Now is time to create the virtual disk for the VM. Select Create a Virtual Hard Drive now and click [Create].


5 – Select a hard drive type to be created, select VMDK and click [Next].


6 – Select the Dynamically allocated option and click [Next].


7 – Now let’s select the file allocation and size for our disk.  Let’s enter 50 GB for the disk Data and click [CREATE] to create the VM.


8 – Select the VM just created, than click [Settings] , select [Storage] , [ADD CD/DVD] , add the OEL 6.4 64 bit ISO image and click [OK].


9 – Due that I have a god number of CPUs available on my laptop, I will edit the VM to have 2 vCPUs. (This is an optional step)


10 – Start  the VM and click on the option [Install or upgrade an existing system].


11 – Select [Skip] the Disk Test.


12 – The installation Welcome Screen will appear. Please click [Next].


13 – Select the installation Language. For this example we will select [English] and click [Next].


14 – Select the VM Keyboard to be use [U.S. English] and click [Next].


15 – Select [Basic Storage Devices] and click [Next].


16 – You will receive a warning message that the device bellow may contain data. Click [Yes, discard any data].


17 – Enter the Host name of the VM, For this example I will use oracle12c and click [Next].


18 – Select your time zone and click [Next].


19 – Enter the Root use password. For this example I used “oracle” and click [Next].


20 – For the type of installation select [Replace Existing Linux System(s)] and click [Next].


21 – Once again you will receive a warning message, this time saying that  the partitions will be written to disk. Please click on [Write changes to disk].


22 – In the next screen select [Basic Server], [Customize now]  and click [Next]


23 -  Now we will select the following packages group on our installation:

  • Base System > Base
  • Base System > Compatibility libraries
  • Base System > Hardware monitoring utilities
  • Base System > Large Systems Performance
  • Base System > Network file system client
  • Base System > Performance Tools
  • Base System > Perl Support
  • Servers > Server Platform
  • Servers > System administration tools
    • Select the Package oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall due that the 12c package still not available yet and this will work just fine for this installation.
  • Desktops > Desktop
  • Desktops > Desktop Platform
  • Desktops > Fonts
  • Desktops > General Purpose Desktop
  • Desktops > Graphical Administration Tools
  • Desktops > Input Methods
  • Desktops > X Window System
  • Development > Additional Development
  • Development > Development Tools
  • Applications > Internet Browser


24 – Click [Next] and the Installation Process will start.


25 – The Congratulations screen will appear and you will need to click [Reboot].


26 – On the OEL 6 Welcome page click [Forward].


27 – Review the License Information, select [Yes, I agree to the License Agreement] and click [Forward].


28 – In the Set Up Software Updates page just click [Forward].


29 – In the Create User page just click [Forward].


30 – Enter the Date and Time for your system and click [Forward].


31 – Do not select Enable Kdump and click [Finish] to reboot the machine once again.


32 – After the reboot connect to the machine using the root user.


33 – Disable the Firewall on [Administration] –> [Firewall].


34 – Select [Devices] –> [Install Guest Additions] to install the Virtual Box Guest Additions.


35 – Transfer the Database files to the virtual machine and unzip them.

  • $ unzip
  • $ unzip

36 – Configure the Host file as per the screenshot bellow.


37 – Use YUM (public yum)  to automatically setup the Oracle prerequisites if not used when installing the OS.


*** As you can see above in the screen shot, the oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall package still not available. For this scenario we will use the oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall package that will do the trick for us.

38 – Now we will need to setup the user oracle password .

$ passwd oracle (for this lab we will user the password oracle)

39 – Create the directories in which the Oracle software will be installed.

mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01
chmod -R 775 /u01

40 – Login as the oracle user and add the following lines at the end of the “.bash_profile” file.

# Oracle Settings
TMP=/tmp; export TMP

ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/12.1.0/db_1; export ORACLE_HOME

PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH


41 – On the unziped folder created, go to database/rpm and install the cvuqdisk-1.0.9-1.rpm package.

$ rpm –Uvh cvuqdisk-1.0.9-1.rpm

42 – run xhost +

$ xhost +

access control disabled, clients can connect from any host

43 – Stop the Virtual Machine and Remove the OS disk from the [Storage] section and unselect the CD/DVD-ROM from the Boot Order and Start the VM.


Next, on part 2 of this lab, we will install the Oracle Database software and take a look in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express.




Francisco Munoz Alvarez


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Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [Playing with VirtualBox, Oracle 12c ( and OEL 6.4 – Part 1], All Right Reserved. 2016.
Categories: DBA Blogs

Playing with VirtualBox, Oracle 12c ( and OEL 6.4 – Part 2

Sun, 2013-06-30 19:24

We will complete our lab by installing the Oracle Database software, create a Pluggable database and take a look in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express.

The steps to install and create an Oracle Database 12c are:

1 – Go to the database directory created when unzipped the 2 Oracle Database Files and run /runInstaller .


2 – Unselect the option [I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support] and click [Next]. Of course, if you want to receive updates all you need to do is to leave this option marked and enter your My Oracle Support email and password.


3 – You will receive a warning message that you have not provided an email address. Just click on [Yes].


4 – Select [Skip software updates] and click [Next].


5 – Select [Create and Configure a Database] and click [Next].


6 – Select [Server Class] and click [Next]. *** If you do not have enough resources on your laptop, please choose Desktop Class instead of Server Class.


7 – Select the type of Database to be installed, choose [Single instance database installation] and click [Next].


8 – Select the Install type. For this lab I will choose [Advanced Install] and click [Next].


9 – Select the product Language, here all you need to to is leave English as the default and click [Next].


10 – Select the Database Edition you want to install. Select [Enterprise Edition] and click [Next[.


11 – Specify the Installation location and click [Next].


12 – Create the Inventory and click [Next].


13 – Select the type of database you want to create. Select [General Purpose] and click [Next].


14 – Specify the database identifiers, enter “orcl” as the SID and here you can decide if you want to create a Container Database or as early releases a non-Container Database (by not selecting [Create as Container database]. For this example we will select Container database and create a Pluggable Database called “pdborcl” and click [Next].


15 – Specify the configurations options, by default the Automatic Memory Management is enabled, click [Next].


16 – Specify the storage to be used. Select [File System] and click [Next].


17 – Management options. If you have an EM Cloud Control running on your environment, here is where you specify the EM details to manage this database. Leave as the default and click [Next].


18 – Enable Recovery and click [Next].


19 – Specify Passwords. For this scenario we use the password “oracle” to all accounts. Click [Next].


20 – A warning will appear due that we are using a easy password. Click [Yes].


21 – Click [Next] on Privileged Operating Systems groups.


22 – Review the Summary page and click [install].



23 – Execute the configuration scripts as root and click [Ok] to continue the installation.






24 – In the Finish page click [Close].


25 – Edit /etc/oratab as follows.


26 – Check the listener status.


27 – Check if the Container Database is running.


28 – Connect to the Enterprise Manager Database Express. It will first ask you to add a Security Exception in Firefox.



29 – The Next step will be to download the Adobe Flash Player rpm and install it.


30 – Enter your database username and password. SYS and oracle and click [Login]


31 – This is the First Screen of the new Enterprise Manager Database Express 12c. Here you are not able to use monitoring, set alertings or even execute backup and recovery operations. But you can do a lot of other stuff such  such as per example: Manage Storage such as: Undo, Redo Log Files, and Control Files, Configure Initialization Parameters, Memory  and Database Features and finally Manage  Performance, SQL Tuning and Users. and Roles (Security).









Hope you enjoyed this tutorial and soon many more will come.




Francisco Munoz Alvarez


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Copyright © OracleNZ by Francisco Munoz Alvarez [Playing with VirtualBox, Oracle 12c ( and OEL 6.4 – Part 2], All Right Reserved. 2016.
Categories: DBA Blogs